Tempting - Chapter 47: Stop Saying That

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I return back into the building, dread gradually sinking back into me as I catch a few people I

really don't want to see walking around the office space. Ms. Collete is stalking the employees,

eyes dead set on catching anyone not attending their necessary tasks. I also see Coldren talking

with Elizabeth by the copy machine, his now complacent and laid back attitude hugely

contrasting with how he's been like with me for the past two days. Yep, definitely not going over


Last but not least, I reluctantly look at Chelsy, who's grabbing a donut near the glass offices for

senior employees.

Alright, alright, I just need to avoid all of them. That's all, nothing to be worried about. Just as

long as I don't bring attention to myself than I'm all good.

I take one step, and another, trying to seem as ordinary as possible, trying to blend in with the

others. Just a few more steps, and I'll make it safe to my office.

I take one more, and like a bad scene from a chicklit the intercoms sound from up above,

disclosing information that's enough to make my jaw drop to the floor.

"Calvin, please make your way to my office. That is all."

What. the. heck.

I swallow heavily as all eyes are now on me, the sudden announcement making me stick out like

a sore thumb. What could he want?? At the worst time too.

I hear scoffs from a few people, and I know exactly who they're coming from. I don't make eye

contact as I walk past them, not letting them savor the complete unease on my face.

As I make it to the door, the smell of freshly made coffee and pine quickly sweep my nose. I'm

not going to lie and say I don't miss it, it brings back memories I'd rather not relive.

I place my palm on the familiar wood and reluctantly push forward, divulging Mr. Malone sitting

at his desk sorting through papers. I don't want to step in, I really really don't.

He finally looks up, his expression hard to read as usual.

" Yes, come in."

I do as he says, hesitantly making my way over to the chair in front of his desk. I sit down, not

looking him in his eyes.

I believe he can feel the uncomfortable atmosphere as well as he doesn't speak for a few

moments, opting to shuffle through large stacks of paper instead.

Finally, he sets them down, clearing the back of his throat.

"How have you been?"

What? What does he mean? How does he think I've been??

"... Okay, I guess?"

"Are you sure?"


"Sorry, you're right, that's was dumb question."

I don't respond again as I look out the window to the far right of his office.

"I guess I just wanted to make sure your were alright after everything that's happened."

"Mhm." I reply dully. Again, silence overtakes the air between us before Mr. Malone slices

through it.

"... Look, I know what happened made you upset. I'm sorry it took me this long to talk to you about it. This isn't easy for me either, you know."

Why is he having this conversation with me? To rub salt in the wound? I don't want to be here

right now, I don't want to show him how much he hurt me because the last time I did, he said I

didn't matter. I'm not his priority. No, I'm not crying in front of him, not again.



"I can tell you're hurt. I just don't want this to cause you to do something you're going to regret later. I'm-"

"What are you talking about?" I snap, the sudden burst even surprising me a bit. I shake my head, crossing my arms over my stomach,

"Look, what's done is done. You broke up with me, that's fine. You wanted to make sure that our relationship didn't get out, fine. You wanted to protect you're business, fine. I'm just confused why you're telling me this, why you called me in here at all."

"I'm checking in on you. I just want to make sure that what I said... didn't impact you into-"

"Into what?"

"Doing something reckless, like drinking or not taking care of yourself." He concludes. He can't

be serious. I scoff, rubbing a hand over my face as the emotions I was trying to force down are

now clawing up my throat with steady speed.

Why does he always do this?

"Stop... stop saying things like that."


"Stop saying things that make me feel like I'm an unstable person. I-I'm not. Just stop... doing that."

"That's not what I'm trying to say."

"T-Then what is it?! Because all I hear is what you've been telling me even since the beginning of our relationship. You keep making it seem like I'm mentally ill or something, you even T-TOLD me that!"

I feel my heart beat rapidly in my chest as I finally make eye contact with Mr. Malone, the fire of

his irises making my blood boil even more. I feel the corners of my eyes prick with tears so I take

a long breath, adamant in my decision to not cry in front of him.

"I just... look I'm fine. I haven't done anything reckless like you thought I would. I haven't drank, I haven't s-stopped taking care of myself just because of you. I've come to accept it, alright? There's nothing else we need to talk about."

Again, another gallon of silence settles in. This ones a lot longer, and I am almost stand up to

leave until he interrupts it again.

"...I honestly just want you to be safe, not to hang around the wrong people."

"Like who?"

Mr. Malone looks away. I instantly know who he's talking about.

"You know who."

"I don't want to have this conversation sir."

"Why do you keep calling me sir now?"

"There's no reason why I should continue calling you David. We're not together anymore." I

stress, letting the pain in my eyes burrow into his. His expression changes, only for a second, to

what I think is hurt, but he just as fast switches it to nonchalance. Despite wanting to yell at him,

curse at him, make him feel as much hurt as I do, I refrain it, knowing that I won't be able to

forgive myself the next morning if I do. It may feel good in the moment, but then I'll later realize I

was in the wrong.

Happy Holidays! 

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