Tempting - Chapter 55: Come By Quick

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Wait... what is he... is he talking about? Didn't he say he will help me, why does he want me to

admit to a crime I've never done?

Then I remember something floating behind my mind... its Mr. Hamsure telling me to say

nothing when they're questioning me. Is this what he meant? That the people here had no

intention to help me whatsoever?

I stare in shock at Mr. Turner as his cold brown eyes bore into my own.


I shake my head slowly, looking down at my trembling hands. After a few moments, I finally

regain the strength to speak.

"C-Can I make a phone call please?"

Mr. Turner sits back and huffs, rolling his eyes. He raises a hand to me and stands up.

"Fine, but a phone call is not going to be able to save you. Make sure you pick your choice quick."

I don't respond to him as he leaves the room, closing the door behind him. What was I thinking??

Why didn't I remember the one advice Mr. Hamsure gave me to avoid all of this? After a few

minutes of biting my nails, Mr. Turner comes back with a phone, placing it in front of me.

"Go ahead."

I swallow as I reluctantly grab it, trying to visualize the number that I've used a few times. If I get

this wrong or they don't pick up, its over for me. I take a short breath and dial the number. It

begins to ring...





I was beginning to lose hope when suddenly a click makes me jump a little.


"Mr. Malone." I exhale, my voice wavering from the amount of relief I feel. I can tell from the

shifting of Mr. Turner in the background that he's completely and utterly confused as to why I'm

calling my boss, the one person he thinks I stole from.

I hold the trembling phone to my ear like its a life line.

"Calvin? Is that you? What's wrong, why are you calling me from an unknown number?"

"Mr. Malone, I-I got arrested. And I-"

"What?? What do you mean?"

"They... They're saying I s-stole-" My voice gives out as the amount of stress in my body starts to

build up, and new tears release down my cheeks.

"Calvin, speak to me. I can't help you if you don't tell me."

"They're s-saying that money was embezzled from your company... and... and that I did it."

"... What? How in the hell could that possibly be you?"

"I don't know! T-They found a suitcase in my apartment that had a lot of money in it, but I swear Mr. Malone it wasn't me. I don't know who put I-It there, I really don't!" I cry, clasping a hand

over my mouth as I begin to sob. What if he doesn't believe me like everyone else?

"...You think someone framed you?"

"I-I don't know. Please, help me."

A few moments go by in silence, and I feel compelled to say his name when I hear a sigh on the

other end.

"Look I'll come down there and sort this out. Don't say anything else to the people there, they'll just use it against you. Do you hear me Calvin?"

I nod frantically.

"You know I can't see you right?"

"Oh s-sorry. Yes I hear you."

"Good, what's the address?"

I tell him the address as best as I can through my stutter. He tells me he'll be there in a few

minutes and to just hold on, alleviating just a little bit of my anxiety. Once I end the call, Mr.

Turner walks up to me to retrieve the phone.

"You've got some balls kid, calling your boss to come and help you, even though there's a case against you that you stole from him. I'm impressed." He retorts.

"I didn't s-stea-" Before I can continue I stop, giving myself a mental face palm. Stop talking to

them Calvin!

"What? I thought you were saying something?"


"So this is what we're doing? Fine, I suppose I got what I needed anyway. Come with me."

I look up at him in confusion. Where could he be taking me?

"Come on, I don't have all day. Let's go." He raises his hand to usher me to get up, which I do

after a moment, and we walk outside of the grey room. I reluctantly follow him down the white

halls of the police building, feeling like all eyes are on me. He leads me into a more wider space,

with a few rooms resembling those of jail cells. I swallow as he opens one of the doors.

"This is where you'll be for the time being."

There's nothing I can do but nod. I walk into a jail cell were there are a few others sitting on a

brown bench connected to a wall. I flinch as the bar door is slammed behind me.

I really hope Mr. Malone comes by quick.


Switched Perspective

I stretch in my vehicle's seat as the raindrops hitting my side window starts to diminish. I've

decided to park besides a mini-electronic store, pulling out my phone to finally make the call.

I gradually press in her number, a familiar rush consuming me as the phone rings in my palm.

Negotiation never gets old.

On the 3rd or 4rth ring sure enough her voice drifts out of my receiver, however, its was not in

the happy tone I was hoping hoping to be greeted with.

"Mr. Hamsure, what the hell do you want."

"Hm, touchy. Is that anyway to greet a friend?"

"I know when you call, its usually for something I don't want to do. SO as I said before, what the hell do you want."

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