Tempting - Chapter 18: Couldn't Wait

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Light from my window breaks out across my fluttering eyes, but they don't fill me with the usual

dread for the upcoming day. No, I wake up with a bounce, feeling 10x more lighter then before.

Instead of worrying about David ignoring me today, I now can sit back and feel like our

relationship is undercover, but still there.

I continue with my morning routine, taking a shower before brushing through my wet hair. I still

find it mildly uncomfortable to look at myself in the mirror, but not impossible. I take a quick

whiff of my suit shirt and know that its in need of a wash. I put it in my waste basket and instead

put on a white shirt I rarely wear and a red tie. I adjust the collar before grabbing my bag and

booking it out my apartment door.

I make sure to touch the outside of my pocket to feel the hard surface of the phone David had

given me. I smile to myself as I feel it, a quick reminder of his handsome face.


I set up shop in my office, placing the stack of newly printed papers in front of my computer. I go

to press the start button on the screen when I hear a knock come from outside my door.

My heart spikes as I readjust my collar once more before brushing my hand through my hair to

make sure it isn't flat.

"Uh, come in!"

I'm surprised and slightly disappointed to not see David's face, but a familiar woman open the

door, sliding her head through the crack.

"Sorry, is this a bad time?" Elizabeth asks, fiddling with her hands.

"Oh, no. Do you have papers to give me?"

"No, I just... I just need someone to talk to and Coldren's not here."

"Uh..." She walks through the door fully before situating herself in a chair in front of my desk.

Her hair is pulled into a high pony-tail and she's wearing a black ruffled shirt with a pencil skirt.

She looks slightly upset.

"I'm sorry, I know we don't know each other that well but I didn't know who else to go to. And I know I shouldn't be this mad about it, but I just feel that she's taken things too far."

"Who's taken things too far?" I ask.

"The new assistant to Mr. Malone, Ms. Collete. She's just up everyone's asses about everything that I can't get any work done. Like Jason, my office neighbor, legit just went to ask me a question and she butted into our conversation saying, 'Hey, you all should be doing work. Mr. Malone won't like you sitting back on the job' and stuff like that. Can you believe that?"

I think back to Ms. Collete and her rigid appearance, and the strict way she held her authority. In

all honesty, I wouldn't want to get under her skin but I don't really think she poses that much of

a threat to me. If she tells anything bad to David about me I would assume that he wouldn't

believe her, but Elizabeth though?

I also remember David's words sticking to the back of my mind like gum:

'So, lets say there's someone you want gone from the company because of the things they've either said or done to you. Just saying the name might make it happen.'...

I shake my head. No way I'm going to ruin someone's career over a personal issue.

"Did you hear me Calvin?"

"What? Oh, I'm sorry, I still have bed brain." I apologize.

"No, its fine. I'm probably just making a bigger deal of it then it has to be. I mean, I've only started working here for like 3 weeks. I shouldn't be expecting a lot, right?" She picks at the band

of her skirt, a complex look on her face. She's really upset, and I'm not really good at cooling

people down. I bite my bottom lip, skimming through my brain for things to say.

"Well, I've just started working here too, and I'm still assimilating, but its getting easier. It'll probably get easier for you too."

"You think so? With all the things going on like being put on watch by Mr. Malone already and also Ms. Collete, its just getting real frustrating."

I pause for a moment as a put a slight smile on my face.

"You're right, we don't know each other that well, but I think you're a hardworking girl, especially if you got into this business. This won't kick you down, and just know that Mr. Malone is always there for you talk about the problem."

"You think so?" She asks.


She doesn't say anything for a few moments, clearly thinking it over in her head before nodding,

a crisp smile also lighting up her honey brown eyes.

"Thanks for that. I really needed a pep talk. I was just about to walk out of the building."

"No problem."

"Hey, wait what's tomorrow??" She exclaims suddenly, making me slightly jump.

"U-uh, Saturday I think?"

"Oh my god! Finally, this week's been too long. It felt like we've been huddled in these offices for months! What are you're plans ? I was going to go out with friends yesterday but it started raining so bad in the afternoon."

"Oh yeah, I know. I was going over to Dav- Uh, A Friend's house yesterday and it got me soaking wet, and it was all out of nowhere. And for plans..." I scratch the back of my head,

"I suppose I don't have any yet."

"Well me, Coldren and a few other co-workers are going out tomorrow for some fun. If you don't have anything planned, why don't you come along?"

"I-" I feel my heart pace faster in my chest as my eyes widen. No, the anxiety's coming in again. I

get slight flash backs to my time in high school and the various people who would invite me to

things only to wrap it all as a meaningless joke. I blink, trying to find a excuse so I wouldn't have

to go.

"Uh... sure? W-why not?" I force out my mouth. Dang it. She beams as she pulls out her phone from her pocket.

"That's great. Give me your number and I'll add you to the group chat. We haven't decided on whether we want to go to this artsy club that just opened called Pascalle Ink or this other one called Bottom's Tops. Personally, I want to check out the new one."

I feel myself drift off a little as I grab my own device, reciting the number that shows up in

settings almost as if it was a chant. Why did I say yes? Am I crazy? Why do I keep saying yes to

these things only to be disappointed later?

"Thanks, this will be a great way for people to get to know each other better, you know?"

"Y-yeah. You're right."

"Well, thanks again for talking with me. I probably should get back to work. Check the group chat to see were we choose to go."


She waves goodbye as she closes the door behind her, leaving me in solitude. Why did I do this to myself?

I press the butts of my palms on my temple while shaking my head. I'm just overreacting, just

because I had bad experiences before doesn't mean that tomorrow night's going to turn out


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