Tempting - Chapter 11: Cherry Flavored

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"Oh?" I squeak as I hear the crunch the salad makes when I put my fork through it. There's also a

golden grilled streak in the middle of the dish and a side of orange chips. The sparkling water is

cherry flavored, coincidentally and terribly my favorite.

"You're very insecure."

I continue to crunch salad onto my fork as I look away from his eyes. I swallow as I can feel tears threaten to well, but I push them at bay.

"But, I also noticed that you're nice, and very patient with people. Patient with people who don't even deserve it... There's not a lot of people around me who I can say the same about." He says in a smooth voice.

"Thank you." I respond meekly as I stare down at the lettuce. I place it in my mouth and for a

moment, I don't notice me chewing and swallowing. All I can feel is the complete relief and

euphoria in my mind as I feel it hit my stomach with a satisfying gurgle.

I grab another forkful and more as I continue to absentmindedly nod my head to whatever David

was saying. After I'm done with that, I move on to the chicken, which had to be the best thing

I've ever put in my mouth.

Then the chips, then the sparkling cherry water.

"And when I really think back to it, those books were not really the best series I've read. There's a lot of underrated novels that I believe the people just skim over and call it a day. Maybe when I have time, I can help support those novels, just so it has more exposure. What do you think Calvin?"

I sit there, staring at my plate with a mixture of emotions in my head. I feel disgusting, but at the

same time I want more, a lot more.



"I was asking you a question."

"Oh, I'm sorry. I-"

"Did you not hear a single thing I said Calvin?" I feel my body ice as I try to avoid his amber eyes.

This is what happens when I eat something, I become totally transfixed on that food, and that's

one of things I've been bullied for years for.

"I'm sorry David." I mutter guiltily.

"Its fine. If you're really that sick, I think it'd be best for you to go home."

"Home? No, I can't. I'm fine, it's just a little headach-"

"Don't worry, I'll make it a excused absence. You will still get your check on the designated day of everyone else."

"Okay, thank you David." I mutter as I bite my bottom lip. He nods his head as I exit his office, him telling me "Be safe, and if you need anything call me."

I'm packing up my case in my small office when someone knocks on my door. I tell them to open.

It's Chelsy, the woman with the bite in her voice and died purple curls.

She smiles as she continues to hold onto the papers that were in no doubt supposed to be for me.

"Seems to me like you're cutting it close with Mr. Malone, doeboy." She jabs.

"First of all, he continually keeps calling you to his office, which is already a red flag, and also, you miss most of the important meetings because of laziness. I'm sincerely surprised that he let you stay for this long."

Even though I don't turn to answer, I still feel her words hit my gut like daggers. I begin to

think of any fast food places that might be around, that was able to calm me down a bit. I know

she doesn't know about me and David's arrangement, but her jabs still hurt all the same.

"However, it probably won't last any longer. Mr. Malone doesn't take lightly to a lot of mistakes and he's fired people for less. Shape up, or don't come back at all, you're just wasting all of our time."

She drops the papers on my desk, but before she can go, I stop her with frustration

clouding my judgement.

"You're going to have to find someone else to do those. I'm going home for the day."

"What in the hell do you mean?"

"Mr. Malone let me have some time off because I'm sick."

" Mr. Malone never gives anybody days off." She sneers as a small smile plays on my lips.

"Well, I guess he thought mine was serious?"

"Or maybe he's just trying to nicely fire you." She looks doubtful as I shrug, pulling my strap over my shoulder. I walk past her and take the elevator to the main floor.

I walk out the building, but instead of going towards the bus, I see a little fast food place and instead go towards that. 

Happy New Years everyone! Make sure to make your resolutions and have an amazing 2020! 

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