Tempting - Chapter 19: Last Nerves

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I finish up with most of the tasks given to me through my lunch period, the smell of meat

sandwiches and coffee making my stomach roll. The day seems to snail by without any

appearance of David, who's spent the majority of the afternoon in his office. I've almost walked

towards his door twice on my bathroom breaks.

It's getting increasingly difficult to just sit around expecting to be called. I fidget with the stapler

on my desk as I continue scanning over the papers I was sent. I click print when another knock

emits from my door, and like a alert puppy I instantly say 'come in!'.

I try not to show the frustration on my face as Ms. Collete walks in, her blonde hair still in a tight

small bun at the back of her head. She's now wearing a red suit jacket with a crimson brown

pencil skirt.

"Oh, um what can I do for y-"

"You are being called to Mr. Malone's office. He has asked me to alert you." Like a soldier, she

then turns a 180 before walking back out to the open space.

David, David is calling me! I dash from behind my desk through the doors of my office, the empty

stares that turn my way not straining my resolve one bit. I've been itching since the moment I

woke up to see David and now he's calling me to his office.

As I'm walking down the sleek halls towards his door, I see the man I had accidentally bumped

into before, his hair now parted on the side, and his clothes dark green and crisp. We make eye

contact for a moment before I look away.

I knock on his door before silently opening it, peeking my head through to reveal David sitting at

his desk. I smile timidly as I fully walk into the room.

"There you are." He says as he stands up from his desk and walks towards me. My heart skips a

few beats as he brushes his fingers on my chin, his beautiful eyes traveling my face until they

stop at my forehead.

He frowns.

"What happened to your forehead?"


"Your forehead has a bruise on it." I rub on the spot and feel a slight throb there. Oh right, I hit

my forehead yesterday when I forgot David's number, but I can't tell him that.

"Oh! Right, I accidentally ran into a wall when I was going up to my apartment."

"Are you serious? Doesn't that shit only happen in movies?"

"No. I'm living proof that it doesn't." I banter, earning a slight smirk from him.

He snakes his arm around my waist and pulls me closer. My cheeks light up as he grabs

my chin and presses his soft lips on mine.

I want to stay like this forever, breathing in forest pine and wood, but he pulls away slightly.

"I want you right now." He sighs as he presses his front against mine, and I can't help but let

out a sharp breath as I feel something hard inside his dark suit pants.

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