Tempting - Chapter 10: No Thanks

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I gulp heavily as my heart starts to beat faster.

I politely shake my head no, saying "Its fine, I'm not that hungry," but he gives me a frown.

"Its lunch period and nobody's eaten breakfast because of the workload. You need actual food."

"I know, I-I usually just eat at home-"

"What do you want to eat Calvin." He says again, this time more of a statement then a question. I feel my soul leave my body as all the blood in my face washes out like a dried dam.

I know what'll happen if I even take a ounce of food. I was doing so good lately, controlling my urges to eat, and now...

"He's waiting on the other end."

"I guess I'll just get a salad?" I answer dryly as he shakes his head.

"Also, bring in a salad, make sure to add chicken and chips into the bowl... Yes the orange chips. Drinks... I'll have a diet coke and he will have..."

"Just water."

"Fine, bring some sparkling water, and not that nasty tasteless crap."

"Really David, you don't have to-"

"Sit down with me."

He slides back behind his desk folding his hands in front of him. I bite my bottom lip and do as

I'm told. I feel like this is going to mess up everything, once he sees me eat, sees the way people

have perceived me for years, will he still want me? Or whatever you can call out


"So Calvin." He soothes, leaning closer.

"With all the commotion over the past few days I haven't really had the time to ask some questions. There's this... thing I want to ask, but as I said before, that can wait."

I nod reluctantly, not fully there. All I can think about is the food that was coming.

"What was your childhood like?"

"...Uh, what?" I ask, genuinely not processing the question.

"Your childhood, you know, that thing that happens before becoming adults?"

"My childhood... not much I guess? It was really boring, I don't really have anything to say about

it." I squirm a little in my seat as his bright eyes pierce through me, almost as if he knew every

embarrassing detail about my life, the bullying, the crying. I look away.

"Nothing at all?"

I nod slightly but his face remains icy neutral. He leans back.

"Alright... I want to let you know something Calvin. I run almost everything in this

company, and the things I don't, its taken care of by people I hired. I control who comes and

goes with just a snap of my finger." He says in a even tone as I swallow, the blood draining from

my face.

"So, lets say there's someone you want gone from the company because of the things they've either said or done to you. Just saying the name might make it happen." My

eyes grow wider as he continues looking into them, his gaze steady. I don't know how to

respond so I sit their with my mouth agape. Is he really implying what I think he is?

Suddenly we're interrupted by a beep and David ushers the person on the other side of the dark

grey door to open. A deep blush creeps onto my face as a man walks in with two trays of food

balanced perfectly on either hand. He's the first person

to see us like this, what if he spreads that I'm having lunch with him...

David notices my face as the man leaves.

"Don't worry. Charelston has been a a family friend for years. He's seen a lot worse happen in this room that has never gotten out."

"I-I wasn't thinking that this was bad or anything. Its just your image."

"What about my image?"

"You know." I cough slightly as I lower my voice.

"Uh, never mind."

He sighs as he opens the plastic lid over his tray and motions for me to do the same. At first I

don't move, but after he starts staring, I open mine with trembling hands.

"What's wrong?"

"I'm just a little sick."

"The greater reason for you to eat something."

"Right." I grab the fork as he starts to dip a piece of cut steak into a yellow dressing.

"I've noticed something about you Calvin, and its only gotten clearer as we continue to talk."

Hello yall! I know this chapter was posted a little late on Friday, but I'm happy its out :) have a good day 

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