Tempting - Chapter 26: Pleasure to meet you

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"Hey man, I don't want any trouble."

"Then I suggest you move along." I swallow the bile forming in my throat as the threatening man

takes a few reluctant steps back before fully walking away. I can't think, so when I see who the

mysterious figure really is, I almost convince myself that I'm in a dream. It's Mr. Hamsure, the

man David was arguing with back at his office.

He steps up to me, concern emitting in his bright blue eyes.

"God, can you be anymore careless?"


"Standing here in the middle of the night drunk with no one around? It didn't ring a bell that that would be a bad idea?"

I shake my head, the only thing I can do at the moment. He sighs heavily as he pinches the

bridge of his nose.

"I'm sorry." I mutter drowsily.

"Just don't do that next time, at least without anyone around. To think if I wasn't here, what would happen? What are you doing here by yourself anyway?"

Suddenly, all the pain from Coldren's truth in the bar spills into my mind and I can't help but

hold back a deafening sob, making Mr. Hamsure flinch slightly.

"My word, are you alright?"

"I'm fine, I'm-I'm fine, I'm just tired." I sniff.

"No you're not. You're clearly not in the right state of mind."

"Really. I just had a b-bad day."

"Everyone has bad days, but not enough for them to go get drunk at some sleazy bar and stand on a sidewalk in the middle of the night."

"It-It wasn't sleazy."


"I... I need a bed, I j-just need to take the bus home." I press my nails into my palm as his face softens. He crosses his arms over his dark blue suit training his eyes on my face.

"Is your wrist alright? He didn't hurt it to bad?" He gestures towards the darkening red ring

around my wrist but I could hardly feel it.

"Yesh- I mean yes. T-thanks for what you did, I'm fine now- Just waitin for my bush... I mean bus. You can go now if you want." Truthfully I just wanted time alone with my jumbled up thoughts.

"What do you take me for? I'm not leaving you by yourself. You're a wreck!"

"Thanks." I say sarcastically.

"No problem. And also you don't need to thank me for waiting with you for your bus. And also, also, YOU don't need to thank me for riding the bus with you to make sure you make it home alive."

"What? But-But-"

"Sorry, no buts."

"But, I d-don't want to waste your time."

"You're not wasting anybody's time." I clasp my mouth shut as the bus turns the corner of the street.

"Even, I think Mr. Malone would appreciate me helping out one of his employees."

If I said I was basically toppling over the aisle leading to the chairs, it would be a

understatement. Mr. Hamsure had to grip onto my shoulders to lead me to a unused seat at

the back. Even though I'm in this peculiar position, I still keep in mind that David hadn't liked

Mr. Hamsure, and that I had to tread lightly when talking to him. Or at least, I tried to, but then

too many emotions came out at once and I found myself practically spilling everything.

"I- I, I don't know what to do." I mutter, placing my face in my hands.

"What do you mean?" This time he sounds a lot more softer and open. He pats my back,

encouraging me on.

"I have a g-guy that I like."


"And I just found- found out that he was with another woman. And I don't know what to do. I-I know I shouldn't ha- have expected a lot but it still hurtz for some reason."

"Wait, this guy was cheating on you?" He asks. My face heats up as I look away from his piercing

eyes. This is so embarrassing to talk about.

"You know... I-It doesn't really matter."

"No, it does. You need someone to talk to clearly. I know we just met formally,well sort of, but at least get it off your chest. It will make you feel better."

I don't talk for a straight minute, but I can still feel him waiting patiently. I shake my head.

"The p-problem is I don't know what to call us. I don't know if - if its a actual relationship or not or if I should try to pursue to make it one, because what if he says it's not. Then it'll fre-freaking break me." I blabber,

"Am I wanting too much?"

"Honestly, I don't think so. There's a lot of guys in the world like that. And in my opinion, those guys are arseholes."

"Really? But-But its not like we've known each other for that long. And I don't really know much about his life either."

"What do you know about him?"

"He's -" I cut myself off before I can say anymore. What am I doing?? I can't tell him that the man I'm talking about is David Malone.

"Uh, sorry... I don't want to say."

"That's absolutely fine. Say what you're comfortable with. Again, I am only here for you to talk with someone."


"No problem." Again silence. In the midst of it, another realization comes to my head, making

me groan.

"I also... I also realized I c-could be homeless in a few days."

"What? What do you mean?"

"My old landlord had given me time to sort out some- some of my financial issues, but now they hired a new one who wants the money by Tuesday, and I'm getting paid next Sunday so." I laugh, stress straining my voice.

"That's horrible. Why don't you talk to your boss about it, you know get your money early?"

"I h-haven't talked to anyone about it... Well except you."

"Still haven't answered my question."

"I- He's busy and I don't want to force him into doing anything." I clench my stomach as it starts

to rumble, making me feel queasy. No matter how drowsy I feel I refuse to throw up in a public


"You alright there?" Mr. Hamsure asks, slight alarm behind his eyes.

I nod my head yes, not daring to open my mouth.



Finally, the bus pulls a corner and out emerges my street, blanketed in darkness. At this point

I'm well past drowsiness and more at I need a bed now or I'm going to sleep on the

sidewalk. Mr. Hamsure's also tittering at the edge. His eyes are half open and his mouth is

slightly gaped. I poke him.

So, Calvin's secret savor is Mr. Hamsure huh? I wonder what David would think of his meeting with Calvin. Oh... I've said too much. Follow Calvin's story in the next chapter! ;)

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