Tempting - Chapter 8: None of your business

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Once I pull open the glass doors, I stand in shock at the amount of people standing around the lobby of the building, holding various pieces of papers and cameras.

I clutch the strap of my bag as I wander through the crowd, confusion clouding my mind.

"I don't know, didn't he say he wasn't going to come out?"

"Don't jinx us Tom, he has to. We just have to stay positive." I hear two people say by the elevators. I step in and press the button to the 13th floor. What is going on?

The moment the sleek gold doors open, I see David at the end of the hall, walking with a blonde woman next to him. He catches my eye for a moment before turning around and walking them to somewhere else.

Are we now going to act like we're strangers?

I walk into the room where the offices are organized, and can't believe my eyes. Papers are flying everywhere, and people are darting left and right. What in the heck is going on?!

"Calvin! Where in the hell where you??"

"Huh? Coldren? What's going on?"

"Did you not get the forwarded email?"


He slides his hand over his face as he pushes me into my office.

"I sent out a few documents that need to be edited, printed, then stapled. Now please do your damn job."

"But what about-" He slams the door in my face before I can finish. I can feel my knees shake a little as I sit behind my computer's desk, turning on the screen. What email was he talking about? An important email was sent out, and I didn't know about it... At the same time, I don't really own a computer at home.

I fervently sign into my mail account, and lone and behold, an email with bold writing shows up at the top of my list, directly from the company. I click on it.

"Everyone, some predicaments have occurred, and I need you to come earlier then usual. Probably about an hour or so. Directions will be given to you once you get here. Again, 1 hour earlier then usual. Failure to do this will not be taken lightly." I read as my heart pounds faster in my chest.

After a few moments of silently freaking out, I then pull up the documents sent to me and begin working, ignoring the sounds of shuffling and printers outside of my office.


I finished in about 2 hours or so. I take the papers with my sweaty hands and walk out my door, the hallways a lot more calmer then when I first got here. The smell of roasted coffee beans and donuts are enough to make my mouth water, but I instantly turn myself away from the temptation.

I do not need the extra pounds. I already have enough as it is. And the faces I would get if I even stood close to the snack table would be unbearable.

I knock on Coldren's office door and it suddenly flings open, almost hitting me.


"You finished?" I nod gradually as he takes the stacks from me. I notice a woman with brown hair sitting on a chair in the corner of his office. Company?

"I sent new papers for you to do."

"Okay, but really, I just w-want to ask about what was going o-" He closes the door mid sentence as I sigh in defeat.

I start to head back to my own office when suddenly I slam into a man, almost losing my footing.

I look up into cold blue eyes as he gives me a one over. He's wearing a black suit with a dark blue tie, and his honey brown hair is smoothed back.

"Move." He growls. I lower my eyes and step to the side, feeling my face heat up. After he walks away, I look back at him, noticing that he held himself like he owned the place. I quickly throw away the thought and go back to my office .


I can't help but recall the time David kissed me, I can still remember him dragging his thumb along the bottom of my lip. It felt so good, more good then anything else I've ever felt in my life.

For a moment, I felt sexy and wanted... I jump as a sharp beep comes from the speaker in my office.

"Everyone, I know its about to be your lunch break. However, there are few people I need to see. Chelsy, Ryan, Coldren, Micheal, Elizabeth, and Calvin. That is all."

I swallow as I hear my name sound over the intercom.

I get up reluctantly and head for the stairs employees are supposed to take to the top. Rules for this company is that in the mornings, elevator use is accepted, but any other time prohibited. I find myself getting a little dizzy as I ascend the steps, knowing that I haven't eaten for a day now.

I make it to the office, and its no surprise that they all already arrived, greeting me with snarky humorous looks. All except for the previous blonde woman I saw in the hallways with Davud, who is now straight out glaring at me. 

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