Tempting - Chapter 17: Care for you

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"Calvin... you... I don't know how to respond."

"I know, I put a lot on you just now." I say as I wipe my reddening nose on the sleeve of my shirt.

My eyes feel heavy from the emotional eruption I just let out, but in a way, it's kind of refreshing.

Like spending days on in without taking a shower before finally cleaning yourself of all the muck

you've been caring around.

"I'm sorry I've made you feel that way. Honestly, I've been carrying around burden of my own, and I think that's the real reason I've been distant from you. Also, the big thing we haven't addressed..."


"The fact that we're both men." His voice is smooth but the weight of his words still pulls the breath out of me.

"No, no, its not like I find it a big deal or whatever. I've been with guys before and honestly all genders require a lot of work for the relationship. I just want to know your viewpoints on it."

"I... I've never really had a chance to explore my sexuality growing up." I say with ease, the previous confession leaving me weightless.

"Back in my hometown, teens weren't really fond of people who were overweight or slightly bigger then normal. I was mostly avoided throughout my time living there and if I wasn't, it was usually something bad that came with it."

"Mm-Hm, keep going. I'm here to listen."

"I know that I'm attracted to guys now because clearly I think you're really good-looking. I think I've known for a while but I've just never had the opportunity to test it out, well up until now."

I lean back onto the end part of my couch, biting my bottom lip. I don't think I've ever told anybody so much about my life before, especially to someone so patient.

"It hurt a lot at a certain point, but I was able to accept it. I don't think I did that in a healthy way but I was able to go on through life without thinking about it too much." I finish.

"What did you do to cope with it?"

I divert my eyes to the reaching night sky outside my window, resting my head on my hand. Was I really going to tell him the truth?

"You- you know when you invited me to eat with you?"


"I didn't want to..." I shake my head, realizing that maybe I am saying too much.

"Actually, that's a talk for another time."

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah David, I feel like I've said too much. I'm sorry about what happened earlier, I shouldn't have left, especially not without telling you."

"Calvin, I forgive you. Its alright, and I want you to rest." He soothes through the phone, my skin growing goosebumps from his deep voice.

"Yeah I know, I'm emotionally exhausted."

"Oh, I wasn't talking about that. I was thinking that you were really physically exhausted from the way I did you today."

Oh my god. I sit there stun as I envision his face twisted into one of his sultry smirks. I shake my head, rolling my eyes.

"You're... too much."

"Exactly, and you love it."

"Okay, okay... I'll see you at work tomorrow?" I say, my heart fluttering in my chest.

"Yes, but at the same time I need to tell you something. Remember, there are strict guidelines in this company that prevents owner's from dating or having relations with their employees."

"Yeah, I know. I shouldn't come up to you tomorrow expecting kisses and hugs."

"Well, you can expect a whole lot more if we're alone in my office." I visualize his perfect amber eyes and his strong chiseled jaw line, his mouth kissing me over my neck in the comfort of his office. I bite my lip.

"Ha, a-alright. See you tomorrow David."

"See you, and remember, you're cute and your personality, from what I gathered, is beautiful. Tell me if you're feeling low next time."

"I will." A strong blush envelopes my cheeks as I bring my knees to my chest, feeling as light as feather.

"Oh wait! David?"


"You can talk to me too."

"About what?"

"About the burdens you had brought up."

"Hmm..." At first the other line is silent for a few moments, but then David's deep voice flows out the receiver once more.

"We'll see. Goodnight." I whisper a 'goodnight' back before ending the call, letting out a deep breath before placing the cell near my heart.

I feel... a little bit lighter then yesterday.


Switched P.O.V

"What do you mean?" I say, dumbfounded. I place the petunias root first in the circular emerald vase near my door. I then move my wooden table with the petunias past my assistant and against my tall windows, knowing that they'll soak up the sunlight first thing in the morning.

"I don't know sir. It was weird, I saw him leave his house." Mr. Galven, my assistant reiterates, folding a piece of paper in his pocket into a miniature plane. I take my dirt covered gloves off, placing them in one of my near by trashcans.

"That can't be right. Are you sure a guy walked out of his house?"


"And he was leaving from... David Helamaine Malone's house?"

"Mm-hm." I sit down in my living room chair as he hands me the camera, scrolling through various pictures of the alleged man, but once I really set eyes on his face my nose snares in disgust.

"I've seen him around! That's the tool who I keep knocking into at Mr. Malone's establishment whenever I have a meeting with him. Or, almost having a meeting with him. He's as annoying as a bee flying around your face. What's the man's name?"

"I'm not sure, I just saw him coming out of Mr. Malone's mansion. He seemed upset."

"Good job on finding this out, but I need more. Get me as much information you can on Mr. Malone, and add this man to the list. This may just be what I need to finally have Mr. Malone's attention and get what I want from our meeting. I will not be ignored forever!"

"Yes sir, Mr. Hamsure sir." He snorts. I roll my eyes.

"Don't ever say that phrase again." Mr. Galven leaves without another word, readjusting his camera for another pursuit as he closes my porcelain white door behind him.

"Why are you so interested in this man, David Malone? Enough to accept him into your home?" I inquire with myself, pressing a button on the glass stool next to me to alert my server that I want tea. Whatever it is, I'll find out, and then I'll have the upper hand.

Stopped P.O.V

Seems like Calvin and David are getting closer, but who possibly can this mysterious man be?? Vote if you feel it appropriate :)

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