Tempting - Chapter 35: There's Always a First for Everything

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*Warning! Sexual Content Ahead!*

I don't believe its that explicit, or at least I don't really intend it to be, but still a warning! :)

"You're getting harder and harder to deal with-" He whispers on the skin of my neck, making me


"-but you're making it harder and harder for me to become sober from you."

"I... I don't know what you mean."

"I mean I'm starting to become obsessed with you. I know its not healthy, but I can't help making sure that I keep you for as long as possible." Well... dang. l feel him roam his fingers

softly behind my legs, making me bite my bottom lip with anticipation. In all honesty I feel the

exact same way about him. This dark cloudy feeling that enveloped me every time I would think

of him with Ms. Collete was I guess another warning for me that I was becoming territorial over

him. Like I was entitled to him, like he was mine... And I want him to be mine.

"So, I'm going to tell you this once. You're going to stop talking to Mr. Hamsure about ANYTHING. Not even one hello. Do I make myself clear?"


"Do I make myself clear?"

I bite my bottom lip as I look away from his eyes, nodding slightly.

He flutters his soft lips over my neck once more. I can't help but blush deeply, wanting him do

way more then just that and he knows it. He grabs my trembling hips and gently pushes me off

his lap as I huff with disappointment.

"W-What are you-"

"Didn't you say you wanted to go somewhere else?" He smirks.


I watch him tortuously take his shirt off on his crimson bed as I stand and watch him, not quite

sure what I should be doing with my hands. My eyes follow the crevices of his abs and v-line like

its been sculpted by an angel itself. I want to hop right on him and gaze into his eyes, slowly

trailing my fingers near his pants. The thought grows the arousal behind my zipper.

My heart stops when he gradually looks towards me, throwing the shirt behind him.

"Well, are you coming over here or what?" I take a moment to admire the darkness of his hair as

a few strands glide over his lustful amber eyes. I want to pounce, leap on him and let him take

me right there and then, but I resort to just walking over timidly, a blush heating my entire face.

"Damn, look at you..."

"Wha?" I splutter.

"You look so good. I don't know if I should just take off all your clothes. But I feel like I won't be able to control myself."

"I- um. Haha, yeah." Oh my god, I'm such a mess. He reaches out and grabs my flush hands,

pulling me closer so I'm just a few inches away from his face. His beautiful, gorgeous face. The

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