Tempting - Chapter 12: New Things

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I again sit on my couch as a old jeopardy show plays on my small TV far in the evening. The

couple from yesterday are still going at it in another room in the complex, but this time it's a lot

more docile.

I grab another chip from the bag, tasting the wonderful salty heaven as it slides down my throat.

I also have a sandwich on my lap, two cans of cherry soda, and a few bags of gummy worms. I

took a little of the money I've been saving over months and used it to buy all this. However, it

was all the worth it. I don't know what I was stressing about before. Every bite, every drink was

like a burst of euphoria, of relief.

I'm just about to change the channel when a loud knock fills my living room.

"I'm not expecting anyone." I murmur as I push myself from the couch, wincing at the sound of my back cracking.

I unlock the door and am surprise at who's standing on the other side.

"Delivery for... Calin Stewert?"

"It's Calvin." I reply meekly, my head clouded in confusion. No one ever sends me anything,

especially not two packages filled with god knows what.

He gives me a paper to sign and also hands over a white letter with a gold colored flower stamp.

I take it reluctantly before he turns around and leave.

I move all the items by my entrance and close the door, thinking that it'll probably be safer to

open the letter then any of the packages.

It reads;

'To Calvin,

maybe now you'll be able to get my messages easier.

From: Your Boss.'

I look from the letter to the packages, then repeat. My heart beats faster as I kneel above them,

opening the smaller box with a knife I found in my kitchen.

My mouth falls open as I pull out the case of a new, sleek android. This is not real. I can feel my

hands shake as I look at the package, not believing for a second that its actually there.

There's no way he bought me a phone, especially one as expensive and popular as this one.

I tear into the second box, and again its something that I thought I'd never own, especially not at

this moment.

"Its a popular laptop... It looks really expensive." I breathe, taking it out of its box. I sit there in

the middle of my small living room, not knowing how to process all of this.

"Why would he... I feel like i'm going to faint." I take out the sleek black phone, sliding my finger

over the smooth surface. It seems like its already set up as a bright blue home screen shows up. I

look at the dark blue laptop.

I bite my bottom lip, a weird mixture of appreciation and anxiety forming in my mind.


The sun is beginning to rise as I comb through my wet tangled hair after showering. I woke up

feeling chubby and disgusting after eating all that junk yesterday, but I still feel like grabbing

something from my almost discarded refrigerator. I refrain myself from doing so.

Once I hop on the bus, I pull out my new phone, realizing that I don't know what to say to David

once I get to work. I feel like I shouldn't keep it, these are some expensive items that I sure as

heck didn't earn.

I walk through the lobby and take the elevator up to the work space, where people are either

talking near the snack table or hard at work. I see some donuts and I have to pinch the back of

my hand just to not walk towards it.

'I have to start over now, all the progress I've had is now gone. ' I think sadly.

Once I enter my office, I become aware of the stacks of paper on my desk and I take all of them

with a sigh, sitting behind my computer.

An hour of work goes by as I think about whether or not to go to David's office. How would I

confront the issue? 'Hello David, um the gift you gave me is pretty neat, I just wish it didn't cost

hundreds of dollars. Maybe you should take them back?'

I shake my head in cringe, pressing the print button on the newly edited document. I walk out

my office to the print machines, where Coldren and the woman who had the cat from yesterday,

Elizabeth, are standing. She has her brown hair in a high pony tail and a black suit with a pencil

skirt. Coldren is wearing a white shirt, black tie and pants, a standard.

"Oh sorry, the printer jammed for some reason." She says.

"Yeah, because this printers a loud of garbage."

"Every printer jams Coldren. Anyway, do you know how to fix it?"

"Me?" I ask, looking at the flickering orange exclamation mark on its front.

"I... don't think so?"

"Jesus, now how are we going to get work done?" Coldren huffs, making Elizabeth raise one of her eyebrows.

"That's the first time I've ever heard something like that out of you."

"Yeah? Well Mr. Malone put my ass on the watch list, and so is your's, so any screw up and we're fucked."

"I know that... but I don't think he'll be mad over something like this, you're overreacting Coldren-"

"Me? I'm overreacting? Thanks Elizabeth." And with that he stalks back into his office, mumbling

something under his breath. I look at the floor in discomfort as Elizabeth sighs, folding her arms

in front of her.

"I swear, he has been like this ever since the event. I don't know what Mr. Malone told him to make him so paranoid."

"Uh, I was there when Dav- uh, the boss found out he left his post. He looked... kind of mad." I

say timidly, still not making eye contact. This is the first time in a while that someone except for

David hasn't brought up my weight in any way. However, I'm still bracing for impact.

"Yeah, and Mr. Malone gave me a stern talking too, but I know he won't fire me over a broken printer. Anyway," She brushes a stray brown lock behind her ear, suddenly looking nervous.

"Do you know the deal with the new lady?"

"The new lady?"

"Yeah, the one in Mr. Malone's office yesterday. Everyone's been talking about her, she looks like a Russian soldier or something." She jokes as I remember the woman's blonde hair pulled into a

tight bun at the top of her head, and the intense glare she had gave me. 

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