Tempting - Chapter 5: Standing Here

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After the last remaining guests trickle out the doors, an intercom sounds, motioning us to the living room area.

"You all did well. A few disturbances had occurred." He looks towards Coldren, who's face again turns pale.

"But in all a great event. And as compensation, you all have today off." A few hoots come from mostly everyone except Coldren. I feel a sort of pity for him before we all leave the impressive building as well, most of them booking it to their cars while I stand by the bus stop.

I yawn. I think about laying in my bed with my sheets over my head while I fall asleep. Its one of the things I want right now. Well, that and Dav-

"You take the bus?" I look up at him with big eyes, a light blush on my cheeks. At this point, he pops up at everywhere, not that I mind. I don't mind at all actually.

Okay, okay, he's here again. Just talk to him normally.

"Uhm, oh yeah, I do, uh sometimes. Wait, but what are you doing here?"

"Standing here."

I give him a blank look before he chuckles, readjusting the tie on the gorgeous suit he has on. His laugh is so deep and smooth, like creamy chocolate. I've never heard something so nice before.

"I actually came to see you. Is that a problem?"

"Uhhh, no sir. I'm just confused is all-"

"I've already told you to stop calling me sir." He growls. His eyes narrow at me as I apologize more to myself then him.

"I mean David."

"Correct. "

"Yeah, I'm just confused as to w-why... um, I don't know how to phrase it. I'm not uh." I stutter, feeling more idiotic as I let my mouth flap open.

"You're just, you're just really uh, really good lo-" I've never been a good flirt, nor have I really had the opportunity to do so.

"You're coming over to my house today. " He says, as my mouth drops.

"Uh, what?"

"Did I not say it loud enough?" He says, actually sounding genuine.

"No, no, I just... uh right now?"

"Yes, we're taking the bus there."

"Okay. I just wasn't expecting that." I breathe, smiling at the ground.

We stand in a good silence as the noon air blows on my warm face. I feel him graze his hand on my own, and a electric feeling tingles through my fingers. This all feels good, amazing even. This moment right here has to be the best thing that's ever happened to me in my life, however, I can't shake the feeling of wariness.

I get shivers from when I was in high school, when girls would pretend to like me only to make fun of me in front of a large crowd later. Its almost a mixture of happiness and fear I experiencing at this moment.

However, as the bus descends down the street, that fear starts to spill into my happiness like water over land.

"Um... David?"


"Can I ask you a question?"


Again, I stare at him until he motions me to go ahead.

"So why, uh, if you don't mind me asking, why me?"

"What do you mean?"

I can feel my hands shake so I hold them both in place in front of me as I swallow.

I don't make eye contact with him as my face gets warm.

"I mean... people like you are usually with, i don't know, more nice looking-"

"The bus is here." He completely cuts in. The bus rolls up in front of us, its doors opening automatically as I blink. Maybe it wasn't a good time to bring something like that up.

"I'm paying for both," he tells the driver, who probably doesn't recognize him. We sit at the back, the sound of the bus moving and other people's conversations filling the space between us.


I can't believe this. We finally arrive to our destination in half an hour and step foot onto a very high end street filled with gigantic mansions. My mouth drops wide open as I continue to view the landscape.

This isn't real.

"Mine is over there." David points over to a marble white mansion with windows rimmed with the color gold and expensive sleek cars sitting in the drive thru. All of this is of course protected by a silver gate sitting between two creme colored brick walls.

It takes everything in me to not faint in this very moment.

"That one?"

"Yeah, unless you don't like it. We can go to a different one."

"A different one?"

"Right... that's what I just said."

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