Tempting - Chapter 34: DoorBell

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I spray the last of my cologne on as my hair starts to dry from the shower. This time I don't look

in the mirror, knowing that it will just make me frustrated. I've decided to change and wear a

black t-shirt with dark blue jeans.

After combing out the frizz from my hair I pick my bag up by the strap, but after examining the

tattered dark leather, I decide to leave it at home. What's the point? Not like I'm going to work.

I inhale deeply as I walk through the door, the heat of Mr. Hamsure's lips still buzzing on my

mouth. I know I shouldn't keep thinking about it, it was accident, nothing more, nothing less...

I sigh before closing the door fully behind me.


I knock on the amber wooden door once again, the feeling equivalent to the first time I arrived at

his house.

But this time, I'm not showing up unannounced. David opens the door after a few seconds, the

same nonchalant expression sitting on his dashing face.

"Hello." He says, motioning me to come in. I do so without a beat.

"Seems like one of them finally got the toy

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"Seems like one of them finally got the toy." I chuckle as he looks over at one of the Pomeranians.

"Yeah. Diesel is the one to usually steal them, but she's at the vet with her caretaker right now."

"Is she okay? Did you hear anything yet?"

"Nothing yet, but Jasmine had contacted me saying that the doctor didn't think it was that serious."

I nod as I take the time to gaze at his attire. He's wearing a dark blue V-neck shirt with jeans,

his muscles very apparent through the fabric. His black hair is how it usually is; wild, but

combed enough to appear like he hadn't just gotten out of bed. As I walk into the living room,

another storm of yapping small creatures descend from the kitchen door, clawing at my feet as I

yelp. David chuckles, as he bends down and rubs behind the ear of a black one.

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