Tempting - Chapter 38: He Can't Keep His Mouth Shut

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WELL, that was awkward and unbearably uncomfortable at best. Leaving David's house that

afternoon consisted of me hiding my crimson face from Jasmine as she tries to act like

nothing's happened. She leaves soon after discussing the treatment the vet had informed her to

David, which was all in the mini plastic bag she was holding.

David had decided to walk me out and hug me, but I still can't help but notice the slight tensions

that was there. It frightened me to think that I might have messed everything up with a small

comment. I didn't... HATE the movie. Hate is such a strong word, I guess I didn't appreciate the

beauty of it as much as David did.

I sighed as the bus drove me home with the grace of a leaping Pomeranian. I wanted to come

there to make things right, but could I have just made things worse? No of course not, Calvin

snap out of it... I couldn't have... right?


4 days go by in the week like lightning and I feel disorientated as If I was riding it. Just a lot of

Elizabeth and Coldren complaining about Ms. Collete and an alarming amount of Chelsy giving

me covert looks that only I could see. I gripped onto my strap every time I would see her slit eyes

staring me down, as If she was trying to puncture me with her gaze. It terrified me to say the

least. Not only was I stressed out from those events but David wasn't making things any easier

on me. However he wasn't making things harder either.

Every time I would try to bring up what happened at his house he would gift me with a sour

expression and tell me not to talk about it. I wanted to apologize for anything I did wrong, but he

would just glower until we changed the subject.

Also I haven't seen Mr. Hamsure around, and it fills me with very bitter relief. On one hand

I should be eased that there's a less likely chance that David will see me with him, but on the

other hand... I kind of wanted to see him; if not talk to him at least be able to see him.

He did help me after all...


The bus is bumpy as the Saturday air glides gently past my face from a open window. I still feel

a little woozy, but not as bad as I did on Tuesday. I've been trying to drink plenty of water and 1

and 1/2 bowls of soup everyday, coupled with a few fruits and vegetables here and there. I still

feel like its too much... but I can't have myself fainting in front of David. Who knows what he'd

think or say. I bounce my legs up and down as the gargantuan Amusement Park starts to come

into view from afar. I'm just praying nothing goes wrong today. Its been a tiring week and I just

want to enjoy myself, is that too much to ask universe?

As the bus reaches my destination I spy Elizabeth standing near the entrance with Coldren, just

like she said she would.

I walk off, fighting the urge to run the opposite way once they see me.

"Hey Calvin! Oh my god, you took forever." She says ecstatically as she envelopes me in a quick

hug. Coldren again nods my way, but something seems new about him.

And I don't need to wait a second longer for my question to be answered. I catch Coldren curving

his arm around Elizabeth's waist as she's talking, grinning while she blushes slightly at the


Huh, I guess they finally tied the knot. Good for them.

"I didn't think this place would be so huge! I mean, I've been to amusement parks but none as big as this." Elizabeth swoons.

"You're kidding me. You should see the ones I have back home. They're massive." Coldren answers.

"Well, you always talk to me about your home town, maybe you should show me one day."

"Maybe I will."

"Stop acting cryptic, its so annoying." Elizabeth lightly punches Coldren's shoulder as I chuckle.

Watching them gives me a bitter/sweet feeling. I want to be as open about my

relationship as they are, be able to talk like this in public. It would be nice.

"I know you think its hot." Coldren wiggles his eyebrows as Elizabeth rolls her eyes.

"Calvin, can you please tell this man that I don't in fact think its hot."

"Oh, uh I- she doesn't think its hot."

"That's not what she was saying last night."

I almost turn as pink as Elizabeth as we continue to walk through the hall of the entrance, trying

to find where David's booth is. We all are supposed to meet up there.

"Wow, so mature Coldren."

"Hey you started it baby." Coldren smirks while also doing a very exaggerated wink. He then turns to me.

"Speaking of hot nights, what's been up with you Calvin?"

"What?" I say a little too abruptly, all the blood draining from my face. What does he mean? He can't possibly know...

"Coldren, stop. That's his personal business."

"Says the person who tried to ask about his whole life experience. I'm just asking because of the-"

"Coldren!" Elizabeth warns.

"Cause of the what?" I mutter as I pinch the skin between my fingers. Do they know something?

"Elizabeth, lets just ask him."

"God, you can't keep a secret for your life." She groans, rolling her eyes once again. If I hadn't

drunk a bowl of soup before coming out here I would've passed out right then and there.

My breaths become labored as I wait for the bomb to drop...

"There's a bruise on your neck." Wait... what? Coldren points to the skin above my collar bone as I subconsciously cover my palm over it. David.

"There's been a hickey on your neck since Wednesday. I wanted to bring it up but Elizabeth said not to. I see you're getting some." He wiggles his eyebrows once again as a strained breath leaves my mouth.

"Y-Yeah! I mean, not really, I mean. Its... I- It isn't want you think."

"No need to be ashamed my man. She must be down for anything if she's able to give you a hickey that big."

"Coldren, stop it already. I am sorry Calvin, as you can already tell he can't keep his mouth shut." I nod sheepishly

as she too looks curiously at the bruise on my neck. I keep forgetting about it but I just assumed

that no one else would think twice if they looked at it.

"But just between you and me Calvin... was it good?"

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