Tempting - Chapter 24: A Typical Night Kind of

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"Okay, okay, first time I actually fell in love was like in 11th grade. It was a pretty girl with brown hair and a wide smile. I think the weirdest thing about our relationship was where we met. I went home one day and saw her sitting on our living room couch, doing homework with her earbuds in. Turns out the plumber dude who was trying to fix our bathroom had brought their daughter along." Coldren shakes his head as Elizabeth tries to stifle a laugh.

"That should've been a sign for me that things were going to turn to shit between us, but I didn't listen. I found out later that we went to the same school and we quickly started taking our relationship to the next level. Long story short, a lot of angry dad talks, and a whole lot of groping if you know what I mean."

"Ew Coldren, no one needs to know that!" Elizabeth hawks.

"Hey, you said you wanted to hear this story. So, as I was saying before I was so RUDELY interrupted, we dated till the start of summer, but that's when things went downhill. Turns out this girl had another boyfriend the entire time who was like 3 years older then me and in college. He had called me one day clearly angry and I had confronted her about it, but all she said was that she wanted to be with him instead."

Coldren places his hand on his chest as he slumps back into the booth chair, making us both erupt in laughter.

"Wow, sorry but that story sounds like something from a bad fanfiction." Elizabeth jokes.

"What, no it doesn't. The difference is that this actually happened to me."

"Sorry to open closed wounds Coldren pie." Coldren gifts her with a playful glare as she turns her attention back to me.

"What about you Calvin? Any childhood love stories?"


Suddenly, a group of people wearing all sorts of assembles make their way to our booth. The

attention is pulled off me thankfully and directed towards the co-workers back at our office.

"Hey Jasmine! Oh my god Jerome you made it! Natalie, I love your clothes, and don't think I don't see you Bethany! You look fire!" Elizabeth converses as me and Coldren look dazed around

the influx of people.

We make eye contact and he nods his head towards the bar table while standing up. I take this

chaotic opportunity to do the same when I my eyes holds on Chelsy's who's standing near

Elizabeth. She stares through me like a switch blade, forcing me to look down.

"Come on Calvin, let's go." He coaxes me as we make our way towards the bartender bar.


"I know, I'm super awkward around people too." Coldren starts, resting his head on his fist.

"Yeah, its just cause I don't know a lot of them."

"Oh no, I know them, I just know most of them are assholes. Not like Elizabeth."


I run a hand through my hair as the bartender walks towards us, asking what drink we want.

"Do you know what you want?"

"Um... I don't really drink..."

"Do you want me to order for you?" I nod timidly and Coldren orders us both two whisky on the

rocks. I try not to show my confusion as he continues to look back at the booth where Elizabeth

sat. Why does he want to hang out with me? We don't exactly have the most perfect history.

"Hey Coldren, can I tell you something?"


"Back at Mr. Malone's event. I'm sorry for doing nothing and getting you in trouble. I didn't mean to give off a bad impression." Coldren's face stretches into a surprised expression as I pinch the

skin between my fingers. Was I making things more awkward?

"You didn't... Well at the time I was just mad, I didn't mean to direct it on you." He scratches the back of his head.

"Making jokes about your...*cough* your weight... that wasn't right. Sorry for doing that, I was out of line, along with everyone else who did it."

I smile down at my hands as the bartender arrives with the tawny drinks, setting them down in

front of us.

"No problem." I respond. Coldren takes a sip of his as I swirl mine around the glass. The color

unmistakably reminds me of David's warm ochre eyes, but the last memory of him leaves a

bitter taste in my mouth. I bring the rim to my lips and gulp down a generous amount, only

having drunk 4 to 5 times in my life.

After a few moments of drinking, I finally have the courage of asking what's been on my mind.

"Coldren... I hope this is not too personal but how long have you been working in the company for?"

"Hmm? No it ain't that personal. I've been working here for about... I don't know... 5 to 6 years?"

"Really? That's really impressive."

"Not really. Chelsy is the one who's worked in this company for the longest."

"As I've been told." I sneak a feverish glance at her from the other side of the room, where she's downing shot glasses with Elizabeth and a few others.

"So, since you've worked here the longest... I don't want to say if there's any secrets or anything... but do you know anything about Mr. Malone?"

"What do you mean?"

"Like-" I brush my fingers through my hair.

"Any affairs? Or is he married?"

"And why do you want know?"

"I'm just curious! But I'm not trying to be nosy, or a-anything. I'm just trying to know because I've heard people talking about it, and I don't want to be out of the loop of knowing, you know? I-I don't know what I'm saying I-"

"Woah, Calvin. Calm the f down. Jesus." Coldren says as a crimson flush dusts my cheeks.

"Are you always like this?"

"Not all the tim- Yeah, I am."

"*Sigh* Well, I'm under a contract of not disclosing any information of Mr. Malone, but the way this night's going, I might let a few things rip when I get drunk."

He washes the down the rest of the whisky before ushering the bartender back over, asking him

to 'give him something stronger'.

Will Calvin be able to get more information on his oh so beloved boyf- hmm, don't really know what to call them yet d; See in the next chapter! Vote if you feel like it.

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