Tempting - Chapter 29: Exposed

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"Yeah. Its fine. I hadn't even noticed it to be honest. How about you, are you okay?"

"Yeah, why wouldn't I be?" He leans against the wall next to him, folding his arms over his


"Oh I don't know I just-"

"Are you saying there's something wrong with me?"

"What? No, no what? I was just asking-"

"Because if you are I find that really offensive."

"I did-didn't mean to-" I sputter. He quickly smirks and chuckles, rolling his eyes.

"I'm just messing with you."

"Oh." I can't seem to look away from his bright eyes. I smile a little.

"Well it wasn't that funny."

"You're not that funny."

"How would you know?" I challenge.

"I can just tell."

"Yeah yeah, sure." I roll my eyes.

"Isn't there a job you're supposed to be doing? Cause last time I checked it started like 2 hours ago?" He asks.

"You're the one who stopped me!"

"Oh right, I did, didn't I? Maybe because I wanted to see you again." I bite my lip nervously as I

look at the ground. I shouldn't be getting flustered like this. He... Mr. Malone and him are against

each other, I can't just be participating in... whatever his game is.

"That's... good." Suddenly my stomach rumbles as a sharp pain shoots through it. Its been a

week since I've eaten a proper meal, the only source of my nutrients coming from a few fruits

and vegetables.

"Someone's hungry. Did you not eat breakfast before coming here?"

"I forgot. I had to rush here." I admit.

"No need to say anymore. For when you go on break, there's a new coffee shop that opened around the corner. We could-"

"Could do what with who?" My heart spikes as David walks up from behind Mr. Hamsure, a look

of icy wrath clouding his features.

"Oh Mr. Malone. Sorry, I didn't see you there." Mr. Hamure smirks as David scowls. He completely

ignores him and turns his attention to me instead.

"Calvin, in my office. Now." With that he turns and leaves, leaving me with my heart racing. What

was I thinking? I pinch the skin between my fingers as I walk forward, but not before Mr.

Hamsure grabs on to my arm, pulling me closer.

"I'm always here if you want to chat sometimes." He soothes, and despite what had just

happened, I blush deeply. I nod my head.


Once I arrive in the office, the heat that had been in the air before has still not dispersed. Ms.

Collete stands next to David's desk with a discontent look on her face. She's wearing a blue skirt

with a white collared top. Just seeing her makes something in me stir. David's leaning against

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