Tempting - Chapter 33: Sweet Betrayal!

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"Well, I think it'd be best if you stayed home. Ms. Collete is already on the fence about you, and will be asking a million questions if I just let you stride in. I'll put you down as sick."

Sick... that word sinks into me like a dagger, bringing up strong memories from my past. I shake

my head, feeling a little light again, but ultimately not fainting fortunately.

"Okay." I mutter, feeling intense guilt sit on my shoulders. I wanted to come, I was ready to

come. What if he starts thinking this is what I am? That this is what I do all the time, take

advantage of our relationship? It makes me feel sick to my stomach.

"Or, if you feel like coming over, you can visit my house in the afternoon when I have time."

"David, I'm sorry-"

"No Calvin, you don't need to apologize to me."

"Yes I do, I've been a massive jerk to you."

"No you haven't, I have. I just didn't want to tell you because I knew you wouldn't understand. I-"

I hear a door squeak open in the background with a series of foot steps across the room.

"Oh, I'm going to have to talk to you later. If you want I can send over a car for you."

"No, no, I'll take the bus. Bye."

"Bye." He says in his deep voice as he ends it. I crash back into my seat, my eyes dazing over the

pristine ivory room. I realize that this place is a lot more expensive then I previously thought

with golden decor on either side of the wooden door, and lavish honey furniture on the sides of

the room. Wait, where is this place exactly?

I hear a knock on the door that makes me flinch, with a "Can I come in?".

"Yeah! Sorry, I'm done now." I blurt.

"Finally." I hear him say as he walks back into the room, sitting next to me.

"So, who was that?"

"Uh... A- A friend of mine."

"What did they say?"

"I asked if I could come over to their house. They said yeah, in the afternoon."

"Ah, that's good. At least this time you won't be alone if anything happens." He leans in slightly

and I get a glimpse of the dark dots around his blue irises. I feel my cheeks heat up as I scream

internally for me to look away. Like he's a gosh darn magnet, I don't.

"You going to stay here in the mean time?"

"I actually think I should be heading home now, to get ready."

"You sure?"

"Yeah, thanks for everything though. Um... can you get the n-nurse or anyone to take this out?" I

raise my arm with the needle in it, and he chuckles.

"Of course."


Switched POV

As I leave the room, I make sure to keep my door minimally open while pressing my back to my

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