Tempting - Chapter 60: Might Be Caught

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Switched Perspective

The drive to the West side of the city was long and hollow, but I knew I had to tell her. I honk my

horn at a obnoxious driver who's really persistent in cutting me off. Idiots. I see him raise his

middle finger through his passenger window, but I decide to not entertain the fool any

longer. Even though I do finally have some relief from Ms. Collete's documents, I still don't know

if she's going to uphold her part of the deal. She's been... pretty unpredictable lately. However, I

don't have the luxury to question her motives.

I pull into a large lot, parking close to a familiar building. I ease off the gas and settle my car on a

vacant spot. I feel my shoulders slump as I exhale a long breath. I don't know how many times I

can keep doing this...

I've decided to visit Calvin tomorrow since he's probably hanging around Mr. Malone anyway. I

don't want him to know that I've recognized that him and Mr. Malone have been together all this


I push open my side door and walk out, making a beeline for the building's sliding doors. I look

around at the bland walls and the people dressed in white filing from room to room. Same old,

same old. This place hasn't changed since the many years I've been here.

I walk up to the reception desk where a petite black women is heading it.

"Hello sir. How may I help you?"

"My name is Gordon Hamsure. I'm here to see someone in Room 220, here's my ID."

"Oh okay, give me a sec..." She types into her computer, scanning her eyes over the text.

"Ah yes, here you are Mr. Hamsure. Her room is on the second floor, just take the elevator down the hall."

"Yeah I've been here a few times, but thanks." I nod to her and walk towards the elevator. I go up

to the second floor, getting off and passing numerous unopened and open doors filled with

people. I don't make eye contact with any of them; my sites are on the dreary door a the end of

the hall.

I walk over to it and reluctantly turn the knob, revealing a dark room. I see her breathing silently

in a bed and I quietly go to one of the chairs at its side. She stirs slightly.

"Huh... Oh... Gordon..." Her breaths are long and strained, in sync with the beeping of the

machine beside her.

"Hello Mother." I respond.

I slide my sweaty hands over my pants as she turns as far as she can to look at me.

"You... haven't visited... in a wh-while."

"I visited last month."

"You used to... visit weekly."

I look down at my hands.

"I'm sorry. I was busy."

"Busy?... The amount of... years I have left are short... and you were... busy?"

I exhale.

"I know, I'm sorry."

"Sorry doesn't... cut it. But sure I would expect this from you... if Warren was still alive he would visit me all... all the time." She wheezes.

"I just needed some time to do something... Remember the thing I was talking to you about?"

"No... because you decided to... be a ass and not visit for a eternity..." Her face contorts into her familiar glare but I didn't come to argue with her.

"I just wanted to let you know that the thing I've wanted for a while... I'm finally going to achieve it."

"Oh... you're not talking about that... stupid 'end company hierarchy' or whatever it was nonsense." She mumbles.

"Mother, I already told you how much this means to me. I finally am going to get the things I need to complete my dreams."

"Oh.... yeah? Where are you... even going... to get the money to do it Gorden? Honestly this shit... is... just taking over your life."

I close my mouth as I lean back in my seat. What did I expect? I push away from her bedside and stand up.

"Where are... you going?"

"I honestly just came to tell you that. Ill come to visit you next week this time... promise."

She sighs deeply, shaking her head.

"You're going... down a... very dark path Gordon... I want you to... know that."

"Yes mother." I say through gritted teeth as I walk through the door, closing it behind me. I dont

realize how incredibly sweaty my hands are so I wipe them over my pant legs. It doesn't matter

what she thinks. I shake my head, boarding the elevator with another person before pressing

the button to the first floor. I'm not doing this for her opinion or anyone else's.

I walk off and go out the main doors.


Calvin POV

I walk over to Mr. Malone's window as he winds it down.

"Thanks again for dropping me off."

"No problem. Just call if you need anything."

I nod, waving as he drives off. What a long day...

I sigh heavily as I walk up my steps. I'm so depleted of everything. I can't wait to just... relax.

Everything that's happened so far has been energy consuming. I stifle another yawn as I trudge

up to my entrance. Before I can even open the door, my phone starts buzzing in my pocket.

Did Mr. Malone forget to tell me something? I take it out and look at the screen, revealing that its

a unknown number. I walk into my lobby as I press the answer button, holding it up to my ear.

A familiar voice drifts out of the receiver.


"Oh! Hey Elizabeth, how are you?"

"I'm... fine." She responds as I raise an eyebrow. Okay, something is off.

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah... I really need to talk to you about something."

I really just want to sleep at the moment. I can feel my eyes growing heavier as I try to find a way

to let her off easy.

"I'm sorry, do you think it can be held off until a few hours later-"

"No, we really need to talk, like right now."

My heart starts to race and suddenly I feel a little more lucid then I was before. I grip the phone in my hand as I swallow.

"W-What about?"

Hello everyone! I'm sorry for the delay, I hope you have a great weekend.

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