Tempting - Chapter 27: Classic Hangover

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"S-sir. This is my stop..."


"This my stop."

"Oh, alright lets go."

As I'm standing up, I feel a slight wobble in my legs but hold myself together well enough. Once I

board off, Mr. Hamsure following in toe, I shiver as I look over the street that resembles a ghost town. I

didn't know I stayed for so long. I rub my temple as I make it to the door leading to the lobby,

only just realizing that Mr. Hamsure was still there.

"Oh! I'm sorry, t-thanks for all you've done. Th-this is my home."

"That's good, that's good."


"... I'm suspecting that you want me to leave now." A slight blush colors my cheeks as he places

his hands in his pockets, his cool eyes focusing on my face.

"I mean- mean I don't want want to hold you up-"

"I don't have much to do right now, but if you want me to go that's perfectly fine. I get it, you're drunk. You need your personal space, we've only just really met... Actually before I go, who have I had the pleasure of meeting?"

"Um, it's Calvin."

"Calvin." I don't know what the feeling was when he said my name, but the deepness of his

voice circulated electricity through me, something I've only experienced with David. But this

one... this one felt a little different. Maybe it was fact that I wasn't supposed to be talking to him, that

we hardly knew each other, or that I was drunk, but I look down at my feet timidly as a huge

blush spreads across my face. After all, he came out all this way to help.

"Nice to meet you. The names Gordon Hamsure. I look forward to our... next meeting." He

smooths, pretending to tip his hat towards me before turning to leave.

"W-wait! You can... you can stay for the night, if you'd like... if you live far." What the heck am I


I wait for him to respond with my eyes wide. He turns back around. At first he looks confused,

then a smirk grows over his golden features.

"Maybe not tonight Calvin, but I defiantly look forward to meeting up when you have time."

"I really don't m-mind! After what you've done f-for me I think its the least I can do." As he starts

to consider, even with my ever degrading vision, I take in his pressed clean suit and his firmly

gelled hair.

"Sounds tempting, but I'll have to pass Calvin. I have a lot of work to do tomorrow and I'd like to be able to have things in order as early as possible. However, I will be open to maybe eating out sometime." He winks. With that he walks down the street, popping out his phone before

turning a corner behind a building. I let out a heavy breath. That just happened.

I open the door to my building and walk through, the night still weighing me down.


Switched P.O.V

"Dammit Mr. Galvin." My hire still hasn't turn the corner yet with his slick black car, and I'm wondering if he ever will. However, he finally emerges in view and I wave him over.

"How did it go?" He asks as I open the door, sliding into the seat.

"As well as I would've guessed."

"Come on man, you've gotta give me more then that." I roll my eyes at his discourteous tone, but I decide to let it go.

"Some weird asshole was harassing him so I stepped in, and better yet, when I did, he was drunk."

"What? Are you serious? He was standing outside alone when he was drunk?"

"I know, at first I wanted to rebuke him but then I realized that I could get more out of him that way."

"What did you get out of him sir?"

"That... he has a supposed 'boyfriend' who's cheating on him with a woman. But I don't really have any evidence to suggest that it may be Mr. Malone." I stroke the end of my chin as I stare out

the tinted windows, the artificial light blanking out the natural stars.

"Did you get anything else?"

"Well another thing... he had asked me to stay over." Mr. Galvin slightly jerks the wheel as his head snaps towards me with disbelief.

"You serious?"

"He was drunk Tom."

"Yeah but damn, why didn't you do it?"

"That wouldn't have helped me with getting information, waking with a stranger in your home after being drunk, not a good look."

"But you could've milked him for everything he knows while he was drunk, then bounce."

"Well sorry for trying to be civilized! He had a rough night... even I don't think he would've said anything too important. Either way, I just need to get his trust so he could tell me more about his relationship with Mr. Malone."

"Hmmm... I say you could've at least coaxed him further, but if you think you're doing it fine, then whatever. Do you have your conversation recorded?"

"Of course."

"Okay send it over, I can pinpoint somethings you might of missed."

"Already sent, my good man, already sent."


Calvin POV

I wake up to my brain banging against my skull haphazardly, almost to a point where rolling

onto my other side sends spikes of excruciating pain to my head. I squint my eyes as sunlight

shines through my window, planting my face in annoying light. Nope, too much pain, I don't

want to be awake right now. I close my eyes once more when I realize that the sunlight hadn't

woken me up. Through my dizziness, I hear the sound of ringing and vibrating near my hips.

Who is it? I grumble as I rub my hands over my face, thinking that would at least give me a

little relief. Wrong, so unbelievably wrong. I knew this would be a mistake. Being awake semi-

fully, I can feel the burn in my throat and the sensitivity of my eyes. I grab the phone by my side,

which has finally stopped ringing, and turn on the screen. I have a missed call, but I also have

some unread messages. I click on one of the boxes, labeled Group Chat.


Elizabeth: Guys tht ws fun. See yall next week!

Elizabeth: bye the way, has anbody seen Calvin? I haen't seen him for most of the nite.

Coldren: He wnt hom bc of somethin

Elizabeth: Without tellin meee? Ohhh may b he din hve fun??

Micheal: Elizabeth, ur drunk, go to slep.

Elizabeth: Yall meaen

Elizabeth: Luv yoll!


Calvin and Mr. Hamsure, I'm feeling it a little bit. Maybe I should keep an open mind... maybe not, who knows? Calvin being shit-faced is my spirit animal as always. Find out what happens in the next chapter! Vote if you feel like it ;)

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