Tempting - Chapter 51: Unreal

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"N-No. I don't know what I could've done for someone to call a search warrant on me... This is so unreal." I breathe.

"Yeah, you don't look the type to be a hardcore criminal... Maybe something happened in your building and they're just investigating people who was closest to the crime."

"Yeah..." As much as I want to believe that, its highly unlikely that the judge has given police

officers warrants for each member of this apartment complex. There has to be something that

they found out with me that made the judge feel it was necessary to look through my home.

I scratch my arm and then bite my nails as I hear things getting moved and flipped over in my


A few moments go by of just them searching, hollowing out my room for whatever it is they want

to find, and at this point I can feel my sanity melting away bit by bit. I want to barge in there

and shake them around, forcing them to tell me what they're looking for. I want to step my foot

down like the CEO of a company and demand that they stop putting their hands over my

belongings. However I can't and won't do that because they have a search warrant... and also

they look like they can just flick me and I'd fall over.

Two more minutes go by before I hear a murmur from one of the police officers in the other

room. Me and Mr. Hamsure look at each other as the other responds, then all goes to silence.

I bite my bottom lip, becoming increasingly shaky from the quiet.

To my start, one of them calls out to us, his voice reigning over me like a gallon of water has just

been dumped on my head.

"Calvin Stewert, come to this room."

I hesitate, having to look back at Gordon for a nod. He does and I breathe in deeply, walking

down my small hall to the entrance of my bed room. Okay, my room used to be a mess but they

really made it look like a wrecking ball had crashed through it.

I step in fully to thrown over furniture and scattered clothing items, but what really takes my

attention is the suitcase one of the police officer's is holding. I've never seen it before, nor have I

ever own a item like it. It's color's burgundy and it has faded white lines over the front.

My mouth drops in confusion as the officer holding it sets it on the floor, unzipping it before

opening it up with caution.

I can't see the contents because half of the suitcase is blocking it, but I can tell by the police

officer's changing expression that whatever it is isn't good. He suddenly opens the suitcase

fully, divulging stacks on stacks of cash. Now my mouth fully drops in shock, the piles of

Benjamin s having to be the most money I've seen in my entire life.

"Wha- What is that?"

"Calvin Stewert, you are under arrest for company embezzlement."


My breathing increases as one of the police officers walk behind me, forcing my arms to my

back. I struggle as I feel something cold wrap around my wrists and click into place.

"What do you mean e-embezzlement!? That's not my money, I've n-never seen that suitcase in my l-life!"

"You have the right to remain silent."

"G-Gorden!" I yell as I'm pushed through my bedrooms entrance.

Mr. Hamsure comes running to the end of the hall as they drag me to my living room, the

contents of that suitcase and the fact that I'm being arrested still not registering in my mind.

"Hey! Let him go, he did nothing wrong!"

"Step aside sir. You can come and visit him once he's in custody."

"Calvin, don't say anything to them, alright!? Wait for a lawyer." I hear Mr. Hamsure say, but I'm

too stunned to answer. As the police officers escort me to their car in front of my building, the

blue and red lights sear into my retinas, making everything in my world blurred and confusing.

All I see is hazy faces that stop and watch. I see people from their windows move their blinds in

order to see what chaos is going on outside. I hear Gordon's voice stressing me to not tell them

anything when I get in to custody.

This is all a dream... how many times have I said this is all a dream? Maybe my life is just a bad

whirlwind of chaos.

My world is plunge into darkness as they push my head down and slide me into their car. I have

to wait a few minutes in eerie silence as they get situated, pulling on their seat belts in the front

and calling for backup to look at the evidence in my apartment.

I shudder because I don't know whether this will be the last time I'll see the outside for years.

They... They can't send me to jail over this... something I didn't do. The car propels forward, and

I do the only thing I know I'm good at; I cry.


Switched Perspective

My arms fall to my side as I watch the car vanish around a corner. Rain falls in immense amounts,

blurring the gray street in front of me and weighing down my hair. Calvin? A criminal?

That's the most absurd thing to ever cross my mind. This seemed too coincidental, could it be

that Mr. Malone had something to do with-?

No, even he would know not to get the police involved. Its too messy, especially since

he's been with Calvin before.

Suddenly, my phone starts to vibrate and I gradually pull it out of my pocket to answer.

"Hey, I have ran the pictures you gave me and put it on file. I'll send it to you in a few minut-"

"Mr. Galven, this really isn't a good time."

"Why, what's going on?"

I sigh, placing my hand on my hip.

"Calvin has just been sent into custody and I don't think its by coincidence."

The transmitter crackles like the exterior from a bag of chips, and I have to pull the phone away

from my ear slightly.

"What is that sound?"

"Oh sorry, I'm eating lunch." He responds as I roll my eyes. 

Hello everyone! I hope your days have been filled with luck and happiness in the past few weeks. I want to say this was such a great journey, but all journeys always come to an end. Tempting is getting closer and closer to its last chapter, but don't worry, I'm planning on making a series out of this, probably not right after I finish this book. 

I have other book ideas I want to incorporate to my Wattpad, so I say thanks for being here with me, and I hope to see you again at the end of this book!  :')

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