Tempting - Chapter 54: Make This Easier

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Sorry for the delay loves, hope you enjoy! 

"Um I..." I clasp my hands together as I itch my mind for things that my parents might have done

to me when I was younger. Honestly, I've closed off that part of my life so much that I'm finding

it challenging to remember the last time I even laughed with them. Its been such a long time

since we've talked... I clear my throat, becoming incredibly aware of my mind's resistance to

think about them.

"Well, I think they... they did, I don't know, regular punishments? Like if I stole a extra cookie from a jar or broke something they would tell me I'm bad, sometimes s-spank me. I..." I wince

slightly, remembering one thing in particular that I've tried to put behind me so many times. Mr.

Turner takes notice of this and leans forward.

"Is there something else you want to add?"

I don't know if I want to tell him or not. That day in my childhood left me scarred for a long time,

to a point were I think it jump started my stutter. However, I know that I deserved it for what I

did, but it still makes me extremely uncomfortable to think back to it... but if he needs me to tell

him so he can help me, then I suppose its necessary.

I bow my head down and look away.

"I don't remember the day that well, but I t-think I was 11 or 12? At that time I was getting a little chubby and my family was trying to help me eat healthier, and not as much as I did. I knew... I knew they were trying to help me, but I couldn't stop eating snacks during and after school and sneaking things into the house. I was r-really stressed at the time, I actually don't remember a time when I wasn't. On that day, my mother had ordered a cake for my aunt's wedding that was supposed to happen in a few days..." I blink my eyes rapidly as my voice cracks. No, I'm not crying again, I just need to finish.

"It was really expensive, and my Mother really took the decorating thing seriously. I was b-bullied really badly on that day, was failing school at the time, and just felt terrible every time I would come home. I needed something to just release my sadness and stress and so I ate a little bit of my mom's cake. I promised myself that I... I would just eat a little bit and call it quits, but I just kept eating and eating until there was hardly anything left... I don't think I even realized I had finished it until I d-did, like I blanked out..."

"And I would assume that didn't turn over well with your family?"

I shake my head no.

"My parents were really upset... especially my Mother... S-She hit me a lot, and called me a lot of... not so good names."

"What were those names?"

"I d-don't remember much from that moment, but... she called me pig, fat, ugly I think..."

Now its his turn to nod as he jots down more notes. I take a deep shaky breath as I continue.

"A-All I can remember is after she was done hitting me, she took me to our basement and left me there for... a hour? A-A few hours, I don't really know, I don't remember anything after that."

"Hm, alright. Thank you for telling me." Mr. Turner sets down his pen and looks intently at me.

"Lets go into something else. What was that suitcase doing in your apartment building?"

I feel my throat start to close at the thought of that haunting burgundy case that incited all this. I

shake my head.

"I don't... honestly I don't know where it came from. It just showed up in my bedroom out of nowhere, I've never owned anything like it. The only suitcase I own is a lime colored one and its-"

"Calvin, I'm going to need you to calm down. It was just a question."

I instantly close my mouth and nod, not wanting to seem guilty.

"Alright, so you don't know where the suitcase came from... are you sure?"

"Yes, absolutely sure. I... I really don't know where it came from."

"Alright, how's your relationship with your boss?"

"...Wha?" I blurt, my eyes widening. Mr. Turner raises an eyebrow as I regret my outburst. For a

second, I thought he was talking about my not so work-friendly relationship with him.

"Oh uh... its good. He treats us fairly, so that's... he's a good boss." I try to save. Thankfully he

chooses to ignore it and moves on.

"Calvin, let me tell you something, and I'm going to leave you to interpret it in your own way. On yesterday night, 9:34 pm, a case was open by an anonymous person from your company. This person had said that money was being embezzled from the company, and that all clues led to you."

Wait, what!? WHO could've... who could've reported me to the police??

"At first the witness wasn't enough to actually set out a search, but then another one stepped forward and validated the report. There are currently multiple people who are validating this case, do you know why that may be Calvin Stewert?"

I don't say anything in shock, but Mr. Turner continues with narrowing eyes.

"Then, when the search is finally done, they find evidence of embezzled money in your apartment-"

"It... It really isn't mine. I don't know who would r-report me, I've done n-nothing wrong." I murmur, my heart racing in my chest. I scratch my arm as I try to make sense of this in my head.

"Look, Calvin, I'm going to be real with you for just a moment. All the evidence stacked against you right now is pretty great, and I could pass you for a court date right this instance for maximum time. However, you're a young face, I don't want you to spend the better part of your youth in prison, so why don't you make this easier for the both of us and just say you did it?" 

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