Tempting - Chapter 37: Was It Something I Said?

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Calvin POV

I place my hands on my lap as David continues to switch through the downloaded movies on his

bedroom television: A flat screen dark tv taking up half of his ivory colored walls. He had told me

previously that he wanted me to experience an actual movie night, so he's decided to put one

on. I think its sweet, but at the same time I don't want to force him into doing something he

doesn't want to.

In the midst of this my stomach growls slightly, my monster within again purring for more food

while I subconsciously ignore it. Unfortunately, David has the ears of a lion.

"You're hungry?"

"Um... well kind of. But I'm fine for now I think-"

"What do you want to eat?" He stands up from my side and stretches, evidence of our previous

activity still staining his pants. I blush slightly as I see it. His shirt was still off and I can't help but

roam my eyes hungrily over his attire. I still can't believe what I did. The experience keeps

playing in my mind like a broken record, but at the same time it feels like a dream I thought

I couldn't reach. Being so close to him like that... it was almost everything.

I didn't realize that he was still waiting for my reply as he continues his questioning expression.

"Oh! Sorry, I was... uh... s-soup will be fine."

"Soup?" He asks with a raised eyebrow,

"What type?"

"Uh-" I think back to the soup Mr. Hamsure had made me, but it also brings back memories of

the kiss we shared... Again, annoying heat embraces my face. Come on Calvin! Now is not the

time to think about that, especially in front of David.

"C-Chicken, with some... I don't know... vegetables?"

"Okay. Well what type of vegetable?"


To my surprise, a smirk grows over David's face so erratically that I thought he was holding back

a chuckle.

"Any?" He says, humor in his voice.

"Yeah. Why is that funny?"

"Well I just haven't heard anyone say that. They'd usually say 'surprise me' with desserts or meals, but vegetables?"

A smile plays on my lips as well.

"I don't think its that funny." I try to challenge.

"I think its funny." David mutters indifferently as he starts the movie. He then turns away from

me and walks towards his phone table, calling who I assume is the deliverer. Again that

involuntary feeling hits my chest like a dagger through wood. Also the thoughts. Did I mess

something up again? He seemed to close off when I said that, maybe I offended him? Why do I

keep ruining a perfect moment?

I sigh slightly as I graze my finger over his silky crimson bed spread. I don't want things to turn

out like the last time I was here. I want to come out of this being closer to him. I am able to sever

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