Tempting - Chapter 16: Let It All Out

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"I've... never really thought about it. I suppose I don't realize when I'm not cursing."

"It defiantly turned me on a bit." We sit in silence for a few blissful minutes, the smell of his mild

forest cologne filling up every pore, every part of my being. I start to feel like I'm finally in a

relationship, that I just got home from my job and waiting in the bedroom was my lover. It filled

me with a warmth that I thought I'd never acquire. I don't want this moment to ever end...

"I'm going to go take a shower. You're free to use my other bathroom upstairs if you want." He

says, stretching off the bed while accompanied with a few cracks. I almost jet my hand

towards him, but thankfully held back... I don't know quite yet if I'm thankful for

holding myself back but I see David walk into the bathroom, closing the door behind


I swallow, my mind racing a mile a minute. Was he going to go back to ignoring me? Should I

have said something? I mentally kick myself, warning to not fall too deep into the rabbit hole I

call the darkness of a thousand questions. I don't want any what ifs right now, he clearly found

some type of attraction towards me, or he wouldn't have done this with me, right?

I'm defiantly right... I believe I'm right... I think I'm right. I shake my head, sliding off the silk

crimson sheets.

I bite my bottom lip, looking towards his bedroom bathroom. I didn't do anything wrong Calvin.

Stop it. And yet, a huge cloud of guilt quickly settles around me.

Just to keep my mind busy, I walk out of his room and stop at the defined, ruby colored staircase

adorned with gold patterns. David really likes the color red, I've inferred. And gold, and ivory.

I brush fingers along the rich wooden hand rails and look up dauntingly at the top floor. I hate

stairs, not because of the stereotypes associated with a big person, just because I hate how its

something I personally can't get up normally.

I've always had to watch my entire life people go up them without a ounce of frustration or

fatigue, but I'm the odds one out, it brought attention to me even when I just wanted to


I go up one by one, and as fate has it, beads of sweat forms on my top eyebrow and I heatedly

wipe away at them. I'm already at the half point, but my breathing has gotten lagged, and my

wrists are trembling.

I don't notice until seconds later that I feel tears running like cool rain over my hot face as I stare

at my quivering fingers.

What's the point?

And that's the last thing I think as I turn around, my heart in my ears. I hear the dogs yipping in

the kitchen, probably eating their snacks, but I could care less.

I open the main entrance and leave, without a trace of a goodbye. I just want to go home.

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