Tempting - Chapter 20: A Weird Meeting

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A few hours go by in David's office without interruption. We had talked about many things, from

our childhood toys to the favorite places our families would take us to for celebrations (I didn't

have much to say on that since we didn't go out much).

David had brought up that he had a massage license and naturally it had spiraled down to him

asking if I'd like one. Who could say no to that?

"Oooh, David." I gasp into the leather of his office couch, feeling my muscles release between my

shoulder blades. I've never had a massage before, so nothing could prepare me for the amount

of sheer, pleasurable pain that came with it.

He kneads into the back of my waist, slowly moving down my abdomen as I let out all kinds of

embarrassing whimpers. A few of my bones crack, but it doesn't distract me from his robust


"David, ah god."

"Keep moaning like that and you might cause something that you won't be able to stop." He


"Hmmm, I can't stooop, its tooo good."

"You like that Calvin?"

"Mmmso much." I groan as I grip my fingers into the couch. The leather feels nice under my hot hands.

"Why don't I give you something else to enjoy?"

"Liiike what?" I battle. I feel myself melt even more into his touch, feeling his graceful but firm

hands work their magic. I think this is one thing I've needed for the longest time.

"You can guess."

I hum in response, biting my lip as he makes his way back to my shoulders.

Again, another knock sounds on the door. I groan as I perch myself on my elbows and David stands up in stupor.

"*Sigh* Can't just have a few quiet minutes to myself." He grumbles as he slides his hand over his

face, walking to his office door.

As he opens it, I hear him growl with annoyance.

"Who let you through?" He seethes as I sit up fully. My heart pounds in my chest as I move to my

feet from the couch, walking over and sliding into the chair in front of David's desk. Who's David

talking to?

"Well, I didn't see your oh so dashing assistant anywhere so I decided to knock myself."

"It doesn't matter if she was there or not, only employees are allowed to see me."

The voice sounds familiar. As the two of them continue to banter I slightly turn around, trying to

take a glimpse of the stranger behind David. And I do.

The man is tall with honey parted hair and a dark emerald suit, his build showing off his clothing

quite well. And then it struck me in seconds. He was the man I ran into by the elevators when he

was on the phone. I remember he sounded upset. I get a look at his face and see sun-kissed

blue eyes, but there is no warmth behind them whatsoever. Actually we make eye contact,

and I feel myself swallow as he holds it. If his eyes were knives they would've diced me into


"I'm sorry, I didn't realize you were having a meeting." He says as I look away. I still feel his eyes

hot on the back of my head like the laser point of a gun.

"Yes, which you interrupted."

"I see... And if I may ask, who is that man you're having a meeting with?"

"And why would I answer that? That's confidential."

"It is, but you know what they say. All things are usually surfaced to those who wait." What does he mean by that? I hear David sneer as he closes the door. He walks back to his desk and I can tell that the mood that was previously there has now dispersed.

He again slides his hand over his face.

"What was... that about?" I try.

"His name is Mr. Hamsure. He's from another company that keeps trying to get a deal with my company. I've already said I don't have time to go over details like that." I raise my eyebrows as

David sighs heartedly. I believe this is the first time he's actually told me about specific details of

his life.

"Uh Calvin, do you mind going back to your office for today? Lunch's already over anyway."

"Oh! Alright. Thanks for the talk."

"Wait, I know you haven't eaten yet and I thought the food would arrive earlier so we could together, but I guess its running late. I ordered a salad, chicken, and cherry soda for you. I'll just direct it to your office."

I feel a pang in my heart as those words come out of his mouth. I've tried to keep a diet after I

binged in my apartment and David's office and felt disgusting the day after. I feel myself losing

weight, so I can't eat like that again.


"There's the stutter." He says,

"What's wrong?"

"Huh w-what do you mean?"

"You only stutter when you feel bad or have anxiety. I've noticed."

"I'm finee David, really. Thanks for the f-foo-, I mean FOOD."

With that I inch towards the door of his office, walking through and closing it behind me with a

relieved sigh.

That was really close. David has gotten really good in deciphering how I've been feeling lately. I

don't know if its a good thing or bad. 

Hmm, I wonder how Mr. Hamsure will play out in this story ;). Not giving any spoilers obviously wink wink. Okay, Ima stop. Vote if you feel like it.

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