Tempting - Chapter 13: Earn It

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The thought of her being alone in David's office aroused a new feeling inside of me, one I

experienced rarely. I envision him talking to her, putting his hand on her thigh, and I can't help

but flinch from the thought.

"I think her name was Ms. Collete." I say.

"What about Ms. Collete?" Both me and Elizabeth jump as I turn around in horror, coming face to

face with Ms. Collete herself. I feel like I'm about to faint.

She's wearing a tight red ruffled top with a black pencil skirt, accompanied with black heels.

She's still holding on to her clipboard, eyeing us heatedly.

"Uh, nothing ma'am, we were just talking about the printer. It's broken." Elizabeth says.

"And is that my problem Ms. Fetcher? It seems like you two are just sitting around doing nothing, and that's something I just can't tolerate. I'm going to have to put you guys down and talk to Mr. Malone."

"What!?" Elizabeth shots, her eyes bulging,

"Why? We didn't do anything wrong!"

"No, the thing you both did wrong was loitering on the job." Ms. Collete seethes, a vein popping beneath her pale skin.

"Wait, wait, let me go and talk to Mr. Malone, surely he'll understand the problem, right?" She adds.

"Mr. Malone isn't here. He had decided to stay home for reasons I can't disclose and had put me in charge. So any concerns for him must go through me."

Mr. Malone isn't at work? I think about the day prior, wondering if he said anything about taking

the day off. Guilt starts to grip me as I feel the hard surface of my new phone in my pocket. I can't

wait another day to express my gratitude to him in person, but I don't know if he likes people

visiting him out of the blue. I just can't accept gifts of this value, so I'll make sure to say I

appreciate it.

"Well, the printer isn't working, so we can't get any copies." Elizabeth says.

"Again, I am not skilled in that category so you might want to bring it up with someone who is." Ms. Collete gibes, leaning in.

"And also, I want to give a word of advice. Keep my name out of both of your mouths. There may be consequences if this type of accident happens again."

And with that she turns around, her heels leaving behind distinct clacks as she makes her way

towards David's office. We both stare in the direction she left, complete disbelief on our faces.

"Hmm, at least we now know more about her. She's giving me Grinch vibes" Elizabeth concludes, shaking her head.

"I'll just go to our main office and call maintenance. Hopefully they're available at this hour."

I nod as she leaves too, making my way back to my office. Right before I get there, I see the man

with the dark blue tie again, but this time he's wearing a light grey suit and his honey hair isn't

as gelled back. I don't stare too long in fear that I might upset him.


My shift is over, and I'm packing my things back into my bag. I pull the strap over my shoulders

and begin to walk out of my office when again I see the man from earlier, but this time he's

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