Tempting - Chapter 3: Saved by the Bell

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Its closing hours, around 12:00 am, and I still have a bountiful of questions bouncing around in my head. As I am signing out of my computer, I see Mr. Malone walk out of his room with a woman that I've probably seen around the building somewhere. She's laughing and smiling with him, touching him on the arm when she can.

I guess I was staring for too long because David and me made eye contact before I went back to packing up my things guilty. Maybe I just made up everything that happened in my mind. Am I going crazy? There's noway someone like him would ever like, even just a little bit, someone like me. I'm lucky to even have this job because the first thing everyone sees is that I'm overweight and ugly.

I sadly pack my things inside my bag before standing up. Now the woman's gone and David's pouring coffee into his glass mug. I feel a heavy weight on my shoulders as I so desperately wants him to turn around and give me that look again, the one that set my body ablaze, but I know he might be busy.

I leave the building, going over to the bus. At least I'll be able to see him around 4 am.


My alarm blares through my dark little living room. I complain before disorientedly getting up, putting on the one classy shirt I own (which I use almost everyday now) and pulling my bag over my shoulder. I try to s-cruse up my hair up a bit in the darkness. I haven't gotten my paycheck yet because I've only worked for a couple of days, so bills for electricity are cut.

"Good enough I guess." I say as I open the door, not wanting to be late.

I drive the bus over to the location on the paper David had given us. This is where the celebration party is supposed to be. 430 west Goldenbridge.

For a minute, I didn't even want to go towards the gigantic expensive looking building. I feel like I'd look so out of place, but I push forward. I walk towards two big men guarding the front entrance and they stop me, their faces harsh.


"Oh, I'm sorry, I-its here, sorry, in my bag somewhere..." I stutter, looking furiously through my bag for my id. Why did I have to put it in the big pocket?!

My face heats up more as I still sort through my things as best as I can. I'm just about set it on the ground when I hear a familiar voice.

"He's with me." David is by the entrance, his face emotionless. I can feel my heart bump harder in my chest as I pull my straps back over my shoulder. His outfit now shows off his build so well, I have to try not to stare.

The guys nod as David turns around and leaves, I suppose a gesture to follow him. I do, but from a reasonable distance.

"You look shabby." He says without looking back. I feel my heart drop into my stomach.

"I-I'm sorry sir, I didn't have a good set and-"

"We have clothes in room 208 downstairs. I want you to go find your size and wear it. We are trying to look presentable for guests."

I nod to myself as he continues walking away, leaving me in the gigantic hallway. Timidly, I look around for the entrance to downstairs, but everything just looks like a endless amount of crimson walls.

A waiter walks by.

"Excuse m-me."

"Yes?" He says, with a wrinkle on his nose. His reaction does not make me feel any better.

"Where is the place to go downstairs?"

"Right over there, by the end of the hall."

"Thank you."

I go downstairs and to room 208. There's a gigantic closet that I stare in awe at. The clothes inside look more expensive then everything I've had in my life combined.

I grab a turquoise suit, knowing that I'll probably not wear it, but like idea of it. It's too out there. I put it back and instead grab a black suit with a simple red tie. This should due, actually more then due. Its so clean and pressed.

I better keep it in tip top shape through out the entire event.

I take off my clothes and put it on, not wasting time to look in the mirror. The suit itself looks good, but I know I look horrible wearing it. I grab my bag and head back upstairs, and I see David surrounded by people from my workplace.

They all were getting instructions.

"Chelsy, you're in charge of making sure that all guests are comfortable. Ryan, you are supervising the kitchen."

"Aw man, again?" Ryan whines.

"Yes, unless you would like to file a application to Mcdonalds after this."

"N-no sir, I'm on it."

"Micheal, you're with me, socializing with the guests." David announces.

"Coldren and Calvin, you're both are supervising the hallways, making sure no one's going where they aren't supposed to go, you got that?" Instead of looking at the both of us, his amber eyes are trained on me, and I try not choke on air. I swallow and nod, probably for too long.

"Alright, the guests are going to be in here in a hour. To your stations, now." He says as he walks away with his hands behind his back and Micheal trailing him. I can feel myself wanting him more and more, especially after yesterday and the day before that.

I can't think of any reason why he would kiss me though.

"Hey, doe boy, following or not?"

"Oh, yes. I'm coming."

We both walk down to the hallway, just before the stairwell. I hold my stomach awkwardly as a small gurgle fills the space. Coldren raises a eyebrow.

"You hungry? When did you last eat?"

"I'm... i'm not sure."

"You wishing that you got a spot in the kitchen with Ryan huh? Its every overweight person's dream." He snickers. I play with my fingers in front of me as I try not show sadness on my face. It's fine, I'm used to this by now.

After a few moments in silence, Coldren sighs, falling against the wall behind him.

"I can't believe I got a job here with you of all people. Not that you're annoying, but you ain't a good conversationalist."

"I, uh, yeah I get it."

"Actually, do you mind holding down the fort here for a little?"

"What? For what?" I ask, my heart racing.

"I just want to walk around a little. You'll be fine, Mr. Malone doesn't usually check on us."

"But we're supposed to stay here and-"

Coldren rolls his eyes as he takes a step forward, crossing his arms over his stomach.

"Look, it'll be fine. If you want us to like you, you have to stop being a little bitch."

He turns around, walking down the stairs to who knows where. I stand, gawking, not knowing what to do. In the agreement that I had signed for this company, the rules is that if a co-worker is going out of line, they should be reported to the boss.

My mind just draws a blank, and I stand there. A heavy sigh comes from my mouth.

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