Tempting - Chapter 6: Puppy Love

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"I..." I can't even squeak out the rest of my sentence as i stand there, my mouth completely open in awe. I know he has a lot of money, everyone knows that, but I just never seen it in all its glory.

"Are we just going to stand here, or are we going to go inside?"

"S-sure. I I mean if you want to go inside. I'm just... wow."

"Yeah, yeah, lets get a move on, the day's not going to be fresh forever."

He walks to the expensive looking house as I tail him, not believing my eyes for even a second.

He unlocks the smooth wooden doors to the great inside. The smell of vanilla and pine cones waft through the air and bright golden lights wink at me from the high ceiling.

"Take a seat anywhere." There are two long crimson sofas in the middle of the room, pointed towards what I can assume is a Jacuzzi and above it a wide flat screen tv.

I walk over to it and sit down, my mind not quite catching up with me yet. This is insane, this is completely insane. When is this going to be yanked right from under me and called a amazing dream? When am I going to wake up?

He disappears into another room and comes back with two glass cups with a wine bottle under his arm.

"I would've got my butler to bring these for me but I gave him a day off too."

I smile shyly as he hands over the glass.

"That's really nice of you." I say.

"Heh, nice isn't a word people usually describe me with. They usually say strict, heartless, ambitious," He pauses for a moment as he makes unwavering eye contact with me, placing the bottle near his crotch as he opens it.

I swallow as my face and ears begins to burn. I lower my eyes and he begins to pour the clear bubbling liquid into my cup.

"...Lustful." He finishes with deepest, smoothest voice imaginable.

"Oh." I say in the moment, sipping my cup awkwardly.

He sits next to me, gradually putting his arm over the head of the couch behind me as I continue to feel like a bright cherry. Just as he's leaning closer, a series of barks fill the air, making me jump.

"Oh my god!" I yell as 5 or 6 Pomeranian dogs of different colors comes bounding into the living in full force, yapping and jumping at me. I squeal as I pull my legs to my chest, looking down at the wild beasts in horror.

"Well, I see you all are home early." David chuckles, scratching under the chin of a black one.

"I swear these dogs get more energetic every time I see them." A women with a southern accent and dark red hair says as she turns the corner into the living room, a bunch of colorful leashes hanging from her hands.

"Hello Jasmine, how was the walk?"

"It was fine, not counting that Diesel over there got off her leash somehow and jumped on your neighbor."

"Which neighbor was it?" He asks, as I stare bug-eyed at the one white fur-ball trying to jump onto David's lap.

"The one you don't like, Mr. Brown."

"That's fine then."

"Oh, well hello there. Mr. Malone didn't tell me he was having guests over today. What's your name?" She asks as she walks near the couches, scooping up a beige dog who licks her face softly.

"His name is Calvin. He works for me."

"Calvin, nice to meet you! My name is Jasmine, and as annoying the job is, I'm Mr. Malone's dog-sitter."

I nod, still trying not to get nipped by one of them. She chuckles, putting down the beige one and picking up a smaller, puffier, white one but with little dark spots.

"This one here is named Bismuth

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"This one here is named Bismuth. She's just a puppy and sweeter then sugar. She doesn't bite and likes about everyone." She scratches her tiny head as the puppy yips playfully but restfully. I start to breath faster as she brings the animal closer to me, its little tongue outside of it's mouth.

I can't seem to move as Jasmine gives a confused face.

"You alright there?"

"Um, yeah, I just don't think it'll like me."

"You don't know if she will until you try though."

"... I'm alright for now, thanks." I gulp, keeping my stubbornness. I don't want to end up hurting it or making it upset.

She shrugs before setting the puppy down, it waddling to its seniors and participating in their play.

"Well, I guess there is always time for you to start liking dogs."

"I don't... Its not like I hate them, I don't know how to explain."

"You don't need to explain yourself. Jasmine, your pay will be directly deposited into your account for this week." David interrupts. Jasmine nods as she puts up the leashes on golden hooks by the front door.

"As expected. Welp, it was nice to meet you Calbon."

"Its Calvin." I mutter.

"Oh, I'm sorry! With all those dog names swimming in my head I can hardly even remember other people's... okay Calvin. Bye, and see you tomorrow boss." She gives a salute as she walks out the door, closing it behind her. 

Please Vote! Not to sound desperate, but I kind of need the encouragement ;(

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