Tempting - Chapter 48: Caught

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"The relationship between me and Mr. Hamsure is none of your business anymore." I say bluntly.

I just want to leave, I don't even know what he wants from me. Does he want me to forgive

him? Give him a pat on the back for breaking my heart?

"Calvin, you don't know who this guy is. He's not-"

"Stop it. Please. Is this why you wanted to talk with m-me? So you can control who I can talk to? "

"No. Of course not. We're not together anymore but that doesn't mean I can't give you advice like a friend."

I grind my teeth as my heart continues to hammer in my ears. I want to so badly tear him apart,

to do something. A friend?? After two days of our breakup...

"You know what? I-I don't need your friendship or your advice. Keep them. I just need to be away from you right now. I need to just... move on. Like you said, you're my boss, and I'm your employee."

With that I stand up, my eyes now angled at the floor. He doesn't move from his seat nor do I

care. I stand there, waiting for him to say anything, but after a few moments of his silence, I

decide to speak up.

"Is there anything else relating to work you would like to tell me Mr. Malone?"

"...No Mr. Stewert. You may leave my office."

I nod slowly and backtrack to the wooden door, feeling his gaze on my back. It had to be done, I

needed to tell him to stop this before it ate me up from the inside out. He can't possibly

understand the amount of feelings I had for him, how much I cared and how much I wanted us

to be more.

...But that's in the past now... That's in the past now.


A few hours have past of me editing, rewriting, and printing out papers in my office, trying

desperately to avoid everyone, even Elizabeth. At this point, I can't be seen with anyone because

it'll only lead to something else I can't control.

I sigh as I place my last edited papers in a folder, making sure to turn off my computer and pack

my belongings in my leather bag. I'm just happy that works over for today. My phone buzzes in

my pocket, and after I open the screen, Mr. Hamsure's text shows up.

:D Gordon : U finally done?

I smile a bit as I type back.

Me: Just closing up shop. Are you outside?

:D Gordon: Yep, forced to wait in the cold dreary evening for you

Me: Isn't it warm today?

I shake my head with a smile as I pocket my phone once more. I take a long silent inhale,

building up my will to walk through a lobby were more then half of my colleagues hate


Reluctantly I open the door and check the outside, only divulging people packing up their

belongings and using the elevator or stairs to go to the first level. I don't see anyone I know so

with my head bowed, I scurry to the stairs, not wanting to be stuck on the elevator with


Almost there, just a few steps and I'll be scott free... however, that's what I thought before and all

the attention was cast on me.

Miraculously, I make it to the front lobby doors without any drama or interruptions, and once I

walk outside I catch Mr. Hamsure's car in my peripheral. The sky is a light grey color and its

drizzling. It might start raining a lot soon.

A slight blush grazes my cheeks as he waves to me from his window. I walk to his car and bend

over to see him.

"Hello there Calvin. Took your time, didn't you?"

"It wasn't that long, was it?"

"Oh it was terrible, it felt like hours."

"Ha shut it, it was just a few minutes." I jest as he hums with humor. I open the car's door and

slip in, fastening the seat belt over my chest. I don't notice till after I secure the buckle that

Gordon's staring at me, and when I look up, its almost like the diamonds that is his eyes are

locked on mine.

"W-What?" I stutter, looking away.

"Oh nothing, didn't realize I was staring."

"Yeah... I mean its f-fine."

I. Am. Terrible. I scratch the back of my head sheepishly as he starts the car. Suddenly, I hear a

small tap on my side of the window, and I look over. I can't believe my eyes. He is not serious.

Its Mr. Malone and he's hunched over, staring directly past me at Gordon. Oh my god, why. Why!

'No, go away!' Is what I want to mouth but I'm just too much in shock to do anything. With a

sigh, Gordon slides my side of the window down while Mr. Malone stands up a little


"Hello Mr. Malone. May I help you with something?"

"I know it was you."

The air suddenly turns slack and cold between them, and me being in the middle of their

conversation doesn't help at all.

With a cough, Mr. Hamsure adjusts his hands over the wheels of his car.

"Excuse me?" He asks.

"You know what I'm talking about. I know exactly what you did."

What in the heck are they talking about??

"Mr. Malone, you must be mistaken."

"No, I'm not. I have evidence. You might think you're winning right now, but just wait. I've dealt with more bigger fish then you. Have fun on your dates."

With that, Mr. Malone straightens up completely and walks towards his building again. Confused,

I look back at Gordon, but I notice, if only for a instant, that his face's pale and his hands are


I shake my head, becoming even more irritated of Mr. Malone's constant interruption of my life.

"Are you okay?" I ask.

Suddenly, as if he realizes that I'm there too, he switches back to his normal expression, his body

cool and collected. He sighs, brushing a hand through his hair.

"Just fine. Don't worry about it."

"Oh... alright." I lean against the car's seat as the vehicle is put in motion, and don't think twice

about the sudden silence in the air. However, I do notice Mr. Hamsure's body stiffen as it looks

like he's in deep thought.

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