Tempting - Chapter 42: Boss

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"This is nothing like that." I look up at David's beet red face as he's explaining the situation but I can't help but feel like everything's changing. Like my whole world has just been flipped upside down.

In a shaky voice, I try to speak up.

"C-Coldren I... I swear I wasn't trying to... to do anything bad. I know how this looks like, but really I wasn't manipulating anythin-"

"Know what, Chelsy was right. She warned us about you Calvin, but we didn't listen. Mr. Malone, for you to snoop so low as to... Every time you do this you put our job and this company in jeopardy! And for what? Because some nobody showed you some interest? You don't even know if he's trying to get something out of you like the others!"

The others?... What does he mean by others? I know I wasn't the only one that David had

initiated this type of arrangement with, but who else? How many were there before me?

I close my eyes slightly while balling my hands in fists, turning away. This is too much, I don't

want to go on the rides anymore. I just want to go home. All the things Coldren's saying feels like

mini-daggers piercing into my heart.

"Coldren, I know this is upsetting, but you've been loyal to the company and me for many years. I just need you to keep this between us, no one can kno-" David tries to appeal but again

Coldren interrupts.

"I am fed up with keeping your damn secrets. Secrets that if found out, can make me lose my job and make it harder to find another one, secrets that can affect the company in whole. That's why there's rules for this in the first place. Don't you ever think about this?! Why him? Couldn't you just find someone else not working for you instead of making the same damn mistakes over and over again!?"

"My life is not something you can dictate."

"It is when it affects all of us!" Coldren retorts. Coldren rubs his hands over his face,

"Do you know how many questions he was asking me about you the night we went to a club? At first it seemed weird because I didn't know the reason behind it, but now its completely clear. He's shamming you, open your damn eyes BOSS."

"Coldren, you don't know anything about the relationship between me and him, so stop-"

"What I do know is that I saw you with your hand in his pants!" Coldren counters sharply as he takes a rigid step forward.

"I don't want to be in anymore of your bullshit secrecy anymore. I won't let you pull me down, this is the last time I'm keeping something this big from everybody."

My heart spikes as those words snake from Coldren's mouth.

"...Fine, what do you want Coldren." David says, but not in the same nonchalant manner. You

could tell that he has something on the line.

"You're not going to fucking bribe me. I'm out of here." Coldren turns to leave, causing a wave of

nausea in me. I look to David in alarm, hoping that he will find someway around this. This can't

be it, this was not supposed to happen!

"I'm not the only one who has a dirty list Coldren." David's sentence causes Coldren to stop right

in his tracks. I gaze between the both of them, not entirely sure what David was hinting at.


"I didn't want to bring it up but you're forcing my hand Coldren. If anything is to get out from this room, you will be coming down with me."

"... You wouldn't do it. I've done so much for your ass!" He yells as he turns suddenly, his teeth clenched shut.

"I'm sorry, but I will do it... I appreciate your loyalty to me and the company, and I know you're trying to look out for the others, but I need you to keep this with you. You can't tell anyone anything. Unless you want me to do it."

Coldren doesn't say anything for a few moments. His face is crimson and his hands are in fists,

almost as if he was ready to fight. And I'm really hoping it doesn't go in that direction.

Suddenly a soft ringing sound emits around the room, making me jump. I glance around, trying

to find the source of the noise when I see Coldren reach into his pocket with a elusive expression

on his face. He looks down at the caller ID, putting me and David on edge until he clicks

something on the screen.

With complete horror, I watch as he brings his phone to his ear.

"Yeah, hey Elizabeth..." He answers, his expression still indistinguishable. Is he going to tell her

right here, right now? My throat closes off as I imagine what she would say, what she would do

once she found out.

"Sorry, I got caught up in something on the way back.... Yeah I found him," He looks up from the phone for a moment to give David a piercing look before getting back to his conversation.

"The asshole's busy at the moment, always not sparing time for his employees... I know, I'm coming back now... Yes I'll buy some popcorn." He finishes as he hangs up.

"Coldren, I-"

"I already said save it Mr. Malone. Calvin, I don't know what you're planning, but now I know exactly what you are. The time will come were your whole plan unravels, just like Mary's. Don't ever talk to me and Elizabeth again."

With that he turns and walks out the door, not forgetting to slam it on the way out. I don't notice

till moments later that I'm shaking violently, the adrenaline sounding like the ocean in my ears. I

feel almost as fragile as glass. If someone were to breathe on me, I'd probably break apart.

David is the first to speak.

"...How could that have happened?"

"I..." I try to finish but I can't.

"...Did you tell him that you were coming to see me?"

"No... I... I made sure to say I was going to the bathroom... I have no idea how he found us here."

"Are you sure?" He stresses, his eyes piercing me. I look at the ground, trying to scratch me brain for any indications I could've given that I was coming here.

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