Tempting - Chapter 43: A Break

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Hello guys! Lovely_Indigo here and I wanted to say something important. I feel like this journey has been amazing and I'm really happy with my consistent updates. However, a lot things have been going on in my life, and I feel like I need a 2 week break to get everything in order. I don't want this to start affecting my writing, and I feel like I've hit a block in creativity. I want you all to know that after those two weeks I'll probably come back and finish this story. Thanks for being there by my side through this journey and I hope you have a great summer. XO

"Y-Yeah. At least, I-I didn't think so."

David doesn't tare his gaze away from me for a few moments before he sighs deeply and lays

against the beige wall. I wring my fingers, not entirely sure what I can do. I want to say

something, do something so bad, but I can't.

"Calvin." David speaks up, as I bring my nails to my teeth.

"Don't worry about what had happened here, it has nothing to do with you. I had made some bad decisions in the past and that's why Coldren had said all that."

I nod sheepishly, not entirely tuning in to what he was saying.

"However, now that he knows... we have take some precautions. I don't know what he will do, he's his own man and had carried some things for me for a while, so I can understand his frustrations. However that means it'll be safer for us to not be seen with each other for a while."

"For a while? What does that look like?"

"I mean you should act like you're my employee and I'm your boss." He says bluntly as I look

away, hurt starting to stir in me. I know that's probably the smartest thing to do, but hearing it

grates my ears, especially since today was supposed to be great. Why does this always happen

to me? And now David's in trouble as well. I don't notice that my hands have a tremor until

David reaches out and gently grabs them .

"Just right now... we can't be seen together. Not talk to each other. Not even look at each other, a lot of things are at stake at the moment."

"I know... I just... I didn't mean for this to happen. I don't k-know how he found out, maybe I did something wrong or said something s-suspicious which is why he came. I don't know I-"

"Calvin. This is probably not your fault. If anyone is to blame here its me. I just need some time to think about this, okay?" He drops my hands from his own, and it takes an eternity

for my arms to drop to my sides.

"Wait, will we... w-will... when can we..."

"...I don't know Calvin."

"But... I thought we were finally getting to-" I falter. I look down at the dusty floor.

"I know. I just don't know what I can do right now." He pushes himself off the wall and walks to

one of the mauve beds. He sits down rigidly as he caresses a hand over his troubled face. What

does this... what does this mean for us?

We sit there in silence for a few moments more, a sparse wall restricting my emotions from

coming out in a tidal wave. David finally is the one to speak.

"Calvin, this might of been... a bad idea. I shouldn't have roped you in to all of this."

"No!... I mean no, it wasn't David. You shouldn't feel bad... I'm fine now as long as I know we're going to still try this."

"I know you feel that way but I don't think its going to-"

"Going to what??" I say a little too heatedly, feeling sweat start to mist my flushed skin.

"I...I'm sorry, I didn't mean to... Just please. I thought we were in a good place, it can get better from here. You even said it wasn't m-my fault."

"It wasn't your fault. That's the problem, this was all on me. And now I might lose everything I've ever built because I couldn't move on." David rasps. Move on? What does he mean? Why isn't

he just saying what he means?? Is he trying to call everything off right now... After everything

that we've done together.

"Are you saying that..." My words become stagnant in my throat as I look over David's face with

misty eyes. He doesn't even meet mine.

"Yes. I don't know when or even if there will be a time we can maybe try again, but for right now-"

"So you're just GIVING up-"

"I'm doing this for the both of us Cal-"

"NO YOU'RE NOT!" I cry as David's face stretches into a surprised expression. I don't know where

all this anger came from, but I feel it spilling from its container in my body as if all the rejection,

all the sadness in my life was feeding into my urge to yell. Just to finally say what's on my mind

and feel relief. Just a little relief.

"Y-You're doing this for you! After everything you told me, after everything-"

"I'm not doing this to hurt you." David stresses, making me even more agitated. I scoff, less at

David and more at myself, realizing that I was completely idiotic for thinking that he felt as

intensely about me as I did him.

I should of red the signs instead of just expecting him to throw everything for me. Honestly, why

was I so gullible.

I feel a hot tear spill from one of my eyes and I wipe away at it heatedly.

"You know what? Sure... I mean you can just find another one of me right?" I jest, my voice


I look away, knowing the answer. Yes, he could replace me. That's been proven by Coldren.

"Calvin... Coldren already knows about you, and if I keep this relationship who knows how many others will find out. It wasn't a good decision on my part."

"WELL I'M SORRY IF I'M ONE OF YOUR MISTAKES." I feel the seams in me tare as more tears

travel from my eyes to the base of my chin, but I don't pay any mind to them. I keep my gaze

leveled on him, all the torrid anger in the world welling up in me for someone I could've said I

was beginning to love.

I shake my head.

"You know what, I should've known this was coming. I've noticed some things about you that were troubling, the night you got angry at me for nothing... the fact you were playing with my f-feelings, those few times y-you insinuated that I was 'mentally ill'. Well, even through all that I was still there for you. I still lov-liked you, I still wanted to make you h-happy. And now s-something LITTLE goes on and you want to d-drop everything-"

"You think I want this? NO I don't. But if its for the good of my company I'll do it, because that's what's important. I know its hard to hear that but its something I have to do."

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