Tempting - Chapter 52: Torture

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"What were you saying?"

"*Sigh* CALVIN has just gotten arrested."

"Whaaat? He's some sort of criminal?"

"Unlikely, I think someone has something to do with this." I conclude as I think back to my

encounter with Mr. Malone after I had invited Calvin into my car. It can't be Mr. Malone, it just

wouldn't make sense... would it?

"Hm, well that's unfortunate for him. At least this way, he's off our hands." Mr. Galven adds through a mouthful of god knows what.

"What do you mean?" I say with thinning patience, my voice straining to call over the roaring of

the rain. As if my soaking clothes is a quick reminder of the rainstorm I'm standing in the middle

of, I run to the nearest building with a ledge to shield myself from the downpour.

"Well, we don't really need him anymore. We got what we wanted through that photo with him and Mr. Malone. We can just leave him be and continue trying to get that blackmail from Ms. Collete."


"Sir? Are you there?"

"Yes. I am, I just... We still need him."

"For what?"

"For... you know... what if I can get him to turn against Mr. Malone?"

Mr. Galven turns silent over the other line, and even the crackling sound of his lunch bag seems

to cease. Then he finally disrupts the quiet.

"... That would probably not be a good idea since through your words he has close ties to Mr. Malone. Also, what if he finds out about the photos? He'll turn on you and make the plan even more difficult. What's going on here, why don't we just leave him?"

Knowing that even entertaining this conversation further will be tragic, I let it go and decide to

share something of greater importance.

"Never mind that. Something else has happened."

"What do you mean?"

"I think... I think Mr. Malone is on to my efforts."

The line is silent for a split moment before his brazen voice seeps through the receiver once more.

"What makes you say that?"

"Out of nowhere he walked up to my car and told me that he knows what I'm up to. That he's dealt with bigger fish before and I won't win this battle, or something like that. He said he had evidence."

"Do you think he's bluffing?"

"I don't know. It seemed so specific, and I've known Mr. Malone for a while, even if it was from a distance. He doesn't usually do things face on like that."

"... Then I suppose we don't have a choice but to speed things along. Maybe call Ms. Collete today? Give a ultimatum or something... I don't know." He sighs over the line, his indecision weighing on me as well.

"Even though I really don't want to wait for that snarling woman to give me the information I need, the photos of Mr. Malone with Calvin will probably not be enough to persuade him into doing what I want." I conclude, scratching my chin.

"How about I torture her for the blackmail?"

"Mr. Hamsure, no. I already said torture is off the menu if I'm going to help you. Just... god dammit, charm her. Do something with those baby blues of yours, call today."

"Hm, alright fine. By the way, you are not helping me, I'm paying you."

"Yeah, yeah." And with that, he clicks off the call, the steady pour of the rain now being the only

sound I can hear. I guess I have no choice but to call Ms. Collete earlier then I intended, however

what can I do about Calvin?

I grapple with the question in my mind as Mr. Galven's words seep through my thoughts like a

river. Maybe it'll be better to leave Calvin for a bit, I can't say for sure if this was Mr. Malone's

doing or not, but either way it'll be more advantageous for him to be out of the way... or at least

until I can get that blackmail from Ms. Collete.


No, I can't just leave him in there... but why should I care? I sigh fervently, sliding a hand over my

wet face. After much contemplating I come up with a conclusion: to wait for Calvin to call me

instead, since he'll probably have the right to one phone conversation, then get him out. Nice

and simple...



Calvin P.O.V

I'm shaking violently as I sit in a small dreadfully grey room, the only access to the outside a

glass door fastened with a lock. My wrists ache from the handcuffs around them latched to the

wooden table in front of me. I want to go home. I don't want to be here.

My stomach starts growling from anxiety as I imagine one scene in particular from a racy cop

movie I watched last week. The suspect was taken to a secret area where they were gagged and

beat them for the truth, put them through all kinds of torture. I shiver, shaking my head to

refrain myself from thinking of that anymore.

No that won't happen.

Please god don't make that happen. I jump slightly as I hear the turn of a knob and the creak of a

door behind me. A man that appears to be in his 50s walks in front of me, holding a dark

folder under his arm. He has stark white hair and a sapphire suit, not to mention a very powerful

scold that'll make Mr. Malone's look like he's smiling.

I swallow as he pulls out a wooden chair before settling himself on the other side of my table.

"Hello Calvin, my name is Mr. Turner. I will be the person you'll talk to for your case." Mr. Turner

says as he lays his folder on the table's surface. I don't respond from too much shock, and

continue to shake involuntarily in my seat. The man sighs and looks at the cuffs.

"Sorry for all this. Its just standard procedure to make sure you don't run while we're getting things in order out there. Here, let me take care of that."

He takes out a key from his pocket and to my surprise unlocks the cuffs. I instantly rub the

rings that have formed on my sore wrists.

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