Tempting - Chapter 39: Look Behind You

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"Elizabeth!" I blurt as Coldren throws his head back and laughs.

"Yeah, was it good Calvin?"

"Okay fine, fine, you don't need to say anything about it. Just pulling your leg Ha." She giggles.

We finally make it to David's tent which is white linen fabric held up by two silver polls in the

middle of a green field. There's two glistening glass doors on the front leading to the inside with

metal handle bars; I almost burn myself on them from it being outside in the hot weather for so


I see David talking to one of the park employees and I have to try not to swoon. He's wearing

khaki shorts with a red bright top, a huge contrast to what he would normally have on. On his

face are black sun glasses.

It seems like mostly everyone is here, and the others that aren't are already walking through the

door. I can't lie and say that I'm not excited. My heart is bumping in my chest with so much

energy like a delirious dog. I want to go on all the amusement park rides that are visible from the

tent's windows. I feel like a giddy child just being introduce to a play pen.

Sadly, my excitement is slightly squished from catching Chelsy staring at me from the employee

table. Her purple hair is in a high pony tail and she's wearing cotton white shorts with a black T.

I have to divert my attention to something else just so she can stop glaring at me. I just wish that

she can leave me alone. I just want to enjoy myself today without any drama. Finally, the

speakers next to the employee's table vibrate to life, giving out the announcements for today.

"Hello Employees of Corporate Wilm studios. We will be opening the park up to you in a moment. Please feel free to put on your registered IDs given to you by your Employer so there will be no problems in the future. I hope you all have a wonderful day at Spring Amusement Park."

A cheer escalates through the tent as I cover my ears with a smile. This is what I want, a mix of

enthusiastic energy bursting all around me. It kind of reminds me of what I never really had

when I was younger.

"Oh my god guys, look at that big drop over there!" Elizabeth points out one of the windows to a water tower with a huge slide dropping into a nearby pool.

"I want to go on that one first!" She bursts, earning a snicker from Coldren.

"You sound like a child. And also, we didn't bring our swim gear."

"We can rent them."

"Ew, and risk getting an infection? No way."

"Oh come on Coldren. You're no fun. I-" As they continue their banter, I feel my phone vibrate in my pocket as I reach in there and take it out. Its a text from David.

♥️David♥️: Meet me in the motel building next to the entrance of the Amusement park.

I look around flummoxed as I realize David is no where to be seen. Hmm... if I didn't know

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