Tempting - Chapter 49: Taking Advantage ;)

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Switched POV

Blast it! Shit. I grip the handles of my wheel as I park my car between the narrow yellow lines of

the food shop. I walk out and curse under my breath while beads of water hit my head from the

grey skies above. There's no way Mr. Malone can know all of that was me and have evidence on

top of that. Is he bluffing? Maybe jealous that I have taken Calvin from him and that was his

rebuttal? No, it would be idiotic to underestimate him, he's been in the game for too long.

I feel something latch on to my arm as I start to descend the steps of the petite shop. I look down

and come across a familiar face, however, his eyebrows are scrunched in the middle and his

mouth's corners are pointed downward.

"Are you sure you're okay?" Calvin asks, his eyes glued to the floor.

"Is it because of what my boss said to you? What did he mean by t-hat?"

"...Let's get out of the rain."

I suggest while also trying to pose a distraction from his questions. He can't know anything,

especially since I'm so close. I take the small of his back and lead him inside, making sure to

hold the door for him.

Now that Mr. Malone is on to me, I need to put my plan in motion earlier then I thought. I need

Ms. Collete to be on board with this as soon as possible...


Calvin POV

Mr. Hamsure has been acting weird ever since we sat down. He keeps telling me that he's fine

, but I think he's secretly freaking out about what Mr. Malone had told him earlier. What was he

even talking about? That he found out what Mr. Hamsure did? I take a sip of my iced water as

Gordon again looks like he's lost in thought.

"You were r-right, the food was good." I say, scratching the skin of my arm.


"Oh, I said the food was... good. Uh, are you done with yours?"

"...Yeah. Let's start heading out."

I watch him push away from the table and stand up, his sudden curtness leaving a bad feeling in

my gut. I mirror him as he throws away his food and heads out.


As we pull up to my apartment complex, I bite my bottom lip. The tension in the air is almost as

thick as jelly. I don't want to dig into it his business just because he seems like he doesn't want

to talk about it, but it's unnerving that his whole attitude changed because of something Mr.

Malone said.

"Do you... Do you want to come inside?"


"I was just wondering since you've never seen my apartment b-before." I say as I scratch my

neck. He stares at me for a moment before sighing, laying his back against the seat of his car.

"You don't have to if you don't want to, I-"

"No its not that. I'm sorry Calvin. This night has been shitty, I'm just thinking of things... Do you have Root beer inside?"

"Oh, I don't usually drink sugary things so."

"Drats! Another fail of this night. I suppose I can just make due with water." He

joshes, stepping out of his car onto my sidewalk as I follow suit. I smile as we walk to my

building. At least I got him to lighten up a bit since the restaurant; he's in a better mood now.

As we walk into my lobby and towards the elevator, I just remember how cramped and flimsy my

apartment looks compared to his. OH MY GOD, why did I ask him to come over?? I mentally slap

myself as the elevator shakes while bringing us to my floor. Mr. Hamsure walks out with his

hands in his pockets, taking a quick look around the hallway as I show him to my door.

"So, this is the great lair of Calvin Stewert huh?"

"Ha, I guess." I say sheepishly as I pull out my keys. Huh, that's weird. The top lock of my door

isn't fastened, I usually always double check before I leave to make sure that both of them are.

However, its a fleeting thought as I open up the door to both of us.

Mr. Hamsure walks in and looks around, almost as if he was existing in his own home. I stand by

the door nervously as I wait for him to say something.

"Interesting decor. Who's your seller?" He asks as he points to a sock hanging from one of my

stools. My heart stops in my chest as I run towards it, snatching the offender away as I hear

light laughter in the background.

"Oh my god, I'm sorry! Having you o-over was a last minute thing."

"I'm just playing around with you Calvin. Besides, your socks actually give the room decorum."

"Stoooooop. God, that's s-so embarrassing." I mutter.

He smirks and sits down on my couch as I go to put away the sock. When I come back I see him

on his phone, but he quickly puts it away when I come close enough. I sit down next to him.

"So, why did you want me to come over?"

"...Uh, you know to just... hang out and stuff."

"Hm really?" He stretches his arms above him before placing one of them over the sofa head

behind me. I feel heat rush to my cheeks and ears as I start to pick at the skin between my


"If I didn't know better Calvin, I would think you wanted me to come over for not so innocent things."

"Wha- WHAT!? No, t-that's not it at all!"

"Really? Because you look really flustered right now. Have you just lured me into a false sense of security so you can take advantage of me? How could you?"

I place both my hands over my face and groan, hearing Mr. Hamsure's chuckle again before I feel

him move closer to me.

"You're so fun to mess with, I swear. I should make this my job."

"Ha ha ha." I mock, peeling my fingers away from my face.

"But seriously, I wouldn't mind if YOU took advantage of me though." 

Sorry for the late chapter. I was making revisions on this chapter. I hope you all enjoy it! :) 

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