Tempting - Chapter 28: To be Fired or Not to be Fired

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I sigh as I scroll through the previous messages. I don't even try to think back to yesterday, not

yet ready to endure the striking pain that remembering will bring me. I would like to stay in

vegetable state for as long as possible. I sluggishly go to my calls and see the caller I.D. Turns out

David had called me, but it doesn't fill me with the same giddy emotion. Instead, its replaced

with a stronger one, and I'm not yet able to pin point what it is. I call him back and he picks up

on the third ring.

"Good morning." His deep voice brushes against my ear perfectly, but I'm not awake enough to

take notice.

"Good mornin." I slug.

"Did I wake you up?"


"Oh alright, well its already 2 pm so I thought you'd be awake by now."

"I'm just really tired."

"I can tell. Did something happen?" I slightly frown when I hear those words through the receiver. Does he know something?

"No... I'm- I'm actually just having a hangover."

"You were drinking?" David says in a surprise tone.

"Yeah I went out yesterday."

"Do you need me to come over?" I swallow thickly as I place my other arm over my eyes. I don't

want him to come over right now, especially after what I found out yesterday. A sharp jab from

my headache causes me to wince after I try to remember what Coldren told me in detail. No,

too much pain, both mentally and physically. I'll just remember later.

"For what?" I answer a little too bluntly. He doesn't speak for a moment, probably a little thrown

off by my comment. I don't even have the strength to apologize.

"I don't know, thought you might need someone there."

"I'm fine. I just need sleep right now."

"Calvin... Ow! Diesel! Bad dog, out of the room now."

"Are you okay?" I say as I turn on my back.

"Yeah. Diesel has been kind of acting up lately. Like biting everything in sight, I'm going to ask Jasmine to take her to the vet tomorrow."

"Hopefully nothing's wrong with her."

"Me too." I feel my eyelids grow heavy as the sweet embrace of sleep was just one END CALL button away. However, to my disappointment, David kept on going.

"Calvin, why did you go drinking yesterday?" I scrunch my eyebrows.

"What do you mean?"

"Was it because of Friday? Because of me sending you away, I swear it was not personal."

I can't believe what just came out of his mouth right now. I swallow thickly, trying to submerge

the extreme anger bowling in my temples. IT WASN'T BECAUSE OF YOU, BUT I GUESS THE

WORLD ALWAYS REVOLVES AROUND YOU is what I wanted to say, but thankfully my headache

didn't make me that grumpy.

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