Tempting - Chapter 57: Escaping into the Night

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I sniff as I try not to think back to the man in the suit. I can't believe I was so stupid as to tell him

everything about me, even going as far as talking about my past. That's usually something I

never bring up and that man was able to get me to say it and use it against me.

I bite my bottom lip, looking at the time. Its past midnight, and I'm starting to feel a ache in my

lower back from sitting on the floor for so long.

"You know, I was just beginning to think I would actually get away with it." I hear one of the older

men on the bench say to another prisoner. He has white streaks in his brown hair and dark eyes

and the man he's talking to matches but instead has blonde hair.

"What do you mean?" He replies.

"I might be getting 20 years, 10 if i'm lucky."

I start to shake involuntarily as I think about the sentence they could give me if Mr. Malone isn't

able to get me out of this situation... No, it'll just make me go crazy, I shouldn't be thinking

about that.

"Why? What did you do?"

"Robbery. I suppose I can't blame anyone but myself but I was hoping I could get out of it." He shakes his head.

"Those idiots who ratted me out got reduced time or off Scott free. They pinned it all on me."

"Damn man, that's tough." The other one says.

"It's tough, but they're going to wish they got the protection of prison along with me."

"What do you mean?"

"I have people on the outside who owe me. People who would do anything I ask of them. Those guys who ratted me out really think they're safe." He lets out a deep chuckle and I can't help but tremble.

"I might be nice and just let them lose an eye or something, just to know not to cross me in the future."

The other guy's eyes bulge as he swallows.

"Um that's... cool dude."

Is this the type of people I'm going to be surrounded with if I do go to prison?? Killers, rapists, robbers... No no no, I can't, I just can't, Mr. Malone will help or something... No! I'm too young to die!

I grasp the front of my knees to my chest harder, trying not to hyperventilate. I think its

beginning to dawn on me the severity of this situation. Please god, I know I haven't been the

best, and I really do try... but I'll do better. I'll be the best person I can be, just please, please,

please, let me have another chance.

I continue to silently pray for another 20 minutes. No one has said anything for the time being,

or if they have I probably completely cut them out of my mind.

I instantly open my eyes when the bar door squeaks open . The man is standing there with a

officer at his side and is staring directly at me. I swallow.

"Mr. Stewert, please come with me."

I begin to sweat as I stumble to my feet. Is this where its ending? Am I going to jail? Have they

already decided on my sentence?

Abrasive thoughts race in my mind as they lead me past the grey room I was previously in. We

walk further and further down their hall until we make a sharp left outside of a unopened door.

What am I doing here?

"Mr. Stewert, feel free to step into this room for the time being."

The officer opens the door and I reluctantly walk through. I jump when I see a familiar face.

"Mr. Malone!" I say with relief, but he gives me a look and I instantly close my lips shut.

"Hello Mr. Stewert." He looks towards the two men by the door and gives them a nod, which they mirror and proceed to close the door behind them.

Whats... going on here?

"Sit down Calvin."


"Sit down please."

A shiver runs down my back as I pull out a chair and sit in front of a wooden table.

"Hello, how have you been?"

"...I've been fine... just shaken up-" He pushes a little note near me still looking me dead in the eyes. I look down at it.

'Act like a employee. There's cameras. I'm getting u out.'

He then places his hand over it and folds his arms over his stomach.

"I'm sorry about getting you into this mess."

"Um... no problem sir." I feel my heart flutter as I try not to look guilty.

"God, to think we got the wrong person. I'm sorry, turns out we looked through our security cameras and it wasn't you. But of course sometimes people make mistakes. I'm telling them to let you out."

"T-Thanks sir." This is objectively weird, but I decide to go along with it. I mean, what choice do I have?

Suddenly the door opens back up and just Mr. Turner walks into the room, holding a clipboard.

"Okay, its time for Mr. Stewert's booking."

"My booking?" I say confused.

"Yes. They still want to put you in the system even if you aren't guilty." Mr. Malone grumbles, standing up along with me. I wring my hands as we both are escorted out the door to the entrance of another room. Weirdly we walk into a long dark hallway and at the end of it is the exit. I turn to Mr. Malone to question what's going on when I see him handing a bulk of something to Mr. Turner.

"Make sure that the system is clean of him. No evidence that he left or didn't do the booking. Understand?"

"I'll try my best." Mr. Turner nods, and what appeared to be a brick was actually a stack of dollars. Without another word he returns back into the other room, closing the door behind him. I look up at Mr. Malone, who gives me a smirk.

"I have my ways."

"Yes, clearly money." I sigh with relief, smiling at him.

"Thank you so muc-"

He shakes his head and puts up a hand.

"You don't need to. What's more important is you telling me what happened, and no details left unchecked. Come on, my car is parked outside."

I nod my head and follow him out the exit door, just feeling on cloud 9 that I was able to smell the heavenly air again. I guess god did listen to my prayer... or maybe just luck?

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