Tempting - Chapter 41: Disrupted

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Switched P.O.V

"Oh yes. I'm sorry, I have other things to do. Maybe you can help them." With that he walks off,

leaving me with a infuriated man and a annoyed woman.

"Oh course he would leave. Everyone here are idiots." He tempers.

"If I'm not intruding, I would like to know if I could help with anything." I slip my hands into my

pocket gradually, smiling softly. Cool guy persona always works into getting people to trust you.

"That would actually be great. Coldren and I have been trying to get a access card for a while but the staff says that they can't do anything without our Employer being here. We don't know where he is tho."

"Wait a minute." The man named Coldren gives me a inquiring look,

"Haven't I seen you before?"

"Yes, I sometimes have meetings with your Employer Mr. Malone in your building, so you might have seen me then. And to help out with your situation, I've actually just came back from seeing him." I conclude. Satisfaction fills me as their eyes light up like naive puppies, not knowing what

they were getting themselves into.

"Really? Can you tell us where he is?"

"Oh yes, he wanted to have a little break in a nearby motel, but told me to direct his employees there if they needed any help. Just go by the gates and take a left, you can't miss it. The room he's in is number 5, just waltz right in."

"Thanks!" The woman says as she turns back to the man named Coldren.

"Can you go get him real quick? I actually need to use the bathroom."

"Are you serious? Why didn't you just use it before?

"I didn't know until now!" She whines,

"Also we both can't go and leave Calvin by himself when he comes back. Don't worry, we'll wait for you."

He sighs while rolling his eyes, the woman leaving his side and making a beeline for the

bathrooms. Coldren stops right in front of me, extending his hand out for a shake, which I accept


"Thanks man, I owe you one."

"No problem."

He nods and walks towards the glistening glass doors, an furtive smirk stretching across my face.

Calvin P.O.V

I continue to kiss him, enjoying just being around him, just experiencing this in general. I move

my fingers through his dark locks as he places his right hand on my chest, gradually lowering it

until it was above my waistband. I twitch as he slightly moves his face away. He stares me

directly in the eyes as he pulls the band and snaps it. Now I'm so far out of it that I start to

mumble a bunch of nonsense, despite me trying not to.

"H-Ha, wonderful d-day we're having huh?"

"Yes, at least its about to be for you."

"Yeah I-I mean, the rides look bun- I mean fun."

"Not talking about the rides." He pushes his fingers below my waste strap again, this time

lingering them for a little longer. Wait, is he talking about... Yes I've done sexual favors

for David before, but he's never done this for me.

I don't know what to do with my hands so I leave them on his broad shoulders.

"I want to make you feel so good that you collapse." He mutters over my ear, making me shiver.

He steadily drives his fingers behind the zipper of my pants, but only playing above my boxers.

Lord, please give me strength. I become wide eyed as he gropes my growing... well you know.

"I love to see you like this. Red cheeked, your eyes saying that you want more." He smirks, as I

cover my mouth to stop an escaping groan.

"What do you want me to do to you Calvin?" Ugh, not this again.

"I-I uh. I'm open to a-anything."

"Anything? Anything at all?"


Before I can finish, he roams his thumb over my bottom lip, a constant signature of his.

"I want to challenge you on that."


Suddenly, the small click of doorknob emits around the room while the motel's plastered white

door flies open. I jump looking towards the entrance.

I can't believe my eyes.

Standing in the entrance way with his eyes wide and mouth slightly

gaped was Coldren. His dark irises trail to David's hand, which is still submerged in my


I can hardly move as David rapidly pulls away, his usual nonchalant expression

transformed to a look of shock. No, not like this.

"Wha-What the fuck??" Coldren sputters, stepping back as if he's been hit by something.

I can hardly even speak. I can feel my breaths come out labored as my whole body becomes stiff

and icy cold. Why does it feel like time has stopped?

It seems like an eternity of awkward disbelief has gone by as Coldren finally speaks up,

shattering the silence.

"What... I don't... why, when the fuck did this happen?!"

"Coldren, please calm down." David tries to calm but ends up making him even more furious.

"Calm down... CALM DOWN!? You two were fucking this entire time!?"

"Coldren... I... I didn'-"

"Shut it Calvin. So all this time you were a thing? Know what, this makes so much more sense." He shakes his head while grazing his hand over his face.

" Its funny how the minute I left to go downstairs to walk around in that event party was when Malone had just randomly showed up huh? And I almost got fired. I would've lost everything. Or when you would always do some dumb shit and get away with it while others would go down for less. You're such a snake Calvin."

"Wha- That's not true, I didn't plan for that to happen!" I say, my eyes wide. David decides to step in.

"Coldren, look I'm sorry you had to find out like this but-"

"Oh CUT THE CRAP Mr. Malone. This entire time... Now I see that Calvin was just your little spy in the building like Mary before you realized we knew about her."

Oh crap 🙊

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