Tempting - Chapter 50: Tempting

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My breathe freezes in my throat as his words glide against my ear. I gradually make eye contact

with him, again getting lost in the deep gem like pools that are his irises. Even in my fading

room light they're still so bright and breathtaking...

But I start to notice other features of his face and appearance as well, appreciating things I

couldn't before because I was in a relationship with Mr. Malone. His full lips, his nice honey hair,

his strong chin and amazing muscles quickly become apparent to me. I bite my bottom lip, my

cheeks stinging from all the blood rushing there.

I don't have to move because Gordon is the one to lean in, hesitating for a second before

brushing his lips against mine. I shiver from the sensation, the feeling like electricity scrambling

through my body. When I think about it, Mr. Hamsure has been there for me more then anybody

else ever has. He was always there for me to talk about my feelings whenever I hit a rough patch

with Mr. Malone, and he's just been the greatest person in my life so far... The fact that he wants

this with me and he waited for it fills me with so much warmth.

He pulls away slightly, again locking eyes with me.

"Is this okay?"

I don't waste any time nodding, and with a smirk Gordon closes the space between us again, this

time fully embracing me. The warmth of his lips is making it hard for me not to moan. Forget

about Mr. Malone, maybe this is where I'll be happiest. Maybe this is what I needed.

He slides the hand that's not behind my head over to my thigh, stroking me with his fingers. I

start to feel a little light headed as his tongue finds its way into my mouth, and he's so skilled

with what he's doing that I can hardly keep up. I think he catches that I'm not as practiced as he

is and slows down a bit, sticking to a more gentle approach instead.

We finally pull away, lost in breathe, the temperature of the room suddenly getting hotter by the


"Damn..." He says coolly, wiping away the drool on his lip with his thumb.

"You're a good kisser."

"Really? I thought I was s-slobbering all over the place." I breathe, looking down at the floor.

"It kind of added to the fun. I'm honestly... kind of turned on right now."

Um... wow. My eyes widen as my hands start burning red hot, probably just like my face. I bite

my bottom lip and try not fall apart under those striking eyes of his. I can't still be shy like this,

I've done this with Malone a few times, I'm experienced! I think...

With a timid smile I gradually climb into straddle position on his waist, my body heating up with

every sultry look he gives me.

"You're playing a dangerous game Calvin. You know I'm trying to be a gentleman and control myself."

Its almost like his voice gets deeper saying this. God.

"M-Maybe I don't want you to be a gentleman right now." Dang it, my stutter! I always hate it

when it comes out at the wrong times.

"Tempting. I don't know if you can handle it though."

"You don't k-know until you try." Lame. So... so lame.

"Ha, even when turned on you still act so innocent. Can't even dirty talk for the life of you huh?"

Before I can respond he smirks and pulls my head down. He kisses me and then moves his lips

over the sensitive nerves on my chin. I sigh as he makes it to my collar bone, biting at the skin. I

want him do more then just this, a whole lot more.

And I suppose I'm not the only one. I feel his member grow under me with every kiss and bite,

and its honestly driving me crazy.

Taking a short breathe for confidence, I move to start unbuttoning his shirt but I guess the

universe is not on my side because I hear loud knocking on my door. Not just regular knocking, it

pierced the air so suddenly that both me and Mr. Hamsure jump.

Why does this constantly keep happening to me??

"Company?" Gordon asks, as the knocking seems to cease. The first thing my mind thinks of is

Mr. Malone, but that impression is quickly thrown out the window as two male voices emit

through the door.

"Police. Open up."

Me and Mr. Hamsure look at one another with stunned expressions. What... Police? Why would

they be here? I dazedly slide of Gordon's lap and adjust the front of my shirt, still not believing

that law enforcement is standing outside of my door.

This must all be a dream.

"Open up now. This is your first warning."

"You should... probably get that."

I nod, walking to my door and unlocking it reluctantly.

"H-Hello? I'm sorry, c-can I help you with anything?"

Two men, one black and the other white tower over me with their hands in their pockets. Their

badges squint in the dim hallway light as I swallow from their intimidation.

"Are you Calvin Stewert?"

"Y-Yes. What is this?"

"We need to look through your apartment. Step aside."

"Wha-" They move to walk past me but Mr. Hamsure steps in their way.

"Hey, hey! On what warrant?"

"This one." One of the police officers holds up a search warrant as I feel the blood drain from my

face. Wha... what could I've done to justify a search warrant?

They walk into my apartment, inspecting my furniture and closets. My hands shake violently in

front of me, the notion that I'm a suspect for something completely rocking me to my core.

Thank god Mr. Hamsure is there to ask the important questions because I can't bring myself to

do anything but remain frozen.

"What's going on? What's the search warrant for?"

They remain silent as they continue maneuvering around my apartment. This has to be a movie,

some sort of prank... this can't be real. One of the police officers motions the other to follow

him into my bedroom, much to my dismay. I hardly use that room because I couldn't afford a

bed, so its were I keep most of my usual junk that I swear I'm going to throw away some day. I

bite my lip as Gordon walks over to me.

"Do you know the reason they're here?" 

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