Tempting - Chapter 46: Close One

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"Oh right, s-sorry. Just... was out of it."

"That's fine. I just want to know if you're alright."

"Yeah, I'm-" My breath hitches in my throat as Mr. Hamsure moves the car forward. Why does the universe keep torturing me?

Familiar shorts and a shirt come into view from his window, and I have to try not to faint from his

sudden appearance. I can see Mr. Malone walking a few feet away from our car with what I

assume is a guide, his attention prioritized on the landscapes the man points to. I gradually slide

down my passenger seat, my heart racing in my ears and my forehead cold from sudden sweat.

I can't let him see me, it'll be too much, I-

"What are you doing?" Mr. Hamsure asks, a questioning look on his face.

"Oh... uh sorry. I'm just g-geting comfortable ha." I lie as he raises an eyebrow. Thankfully, he

doesn't push on the subject as I reluctantly look back out the window.

There I see Mr. Malone turn with the Advisor to look at our street and I feel my heart physically

deflate. If something, anything can grab me from this car and send me hurling towards the sun

I'd greatly appreciate it, because even the immense burning of my skin can not correlate with

the amount of embarrassment I feel at this moment. I know he sees me, I know because even

after I looked away, I can still feel his eyes penetrating the side of my head. Finally, the light turns

green and Mr. Hamsure presses his foot on the gas, propelling us forward.

I steal a quick glance out the window, and to my relief and somewhat bitterness, I see that Mr.

Malone isn't in the same spot he was before. Maybe he didn't see me?

I slide back up into my seat and lay against the cushioned headrest, just wanting today to be over.


"Thanks again." I say, getting a sense of Déjà vu as I exit the indigo vehicle. Mr. Hamsure gifts me

a smile while opening his own car door.

"No problem, but before you go-" He gets out and walks in front of me, his bright blue eyes

peering through my own.

"Can we talk about you for a moment? Just to make sure you're okay?"

"Oh, I'm fine! I was just... having an off day." I blush, scratching my arms. The sun is now high in

the sky, and the glow spilling from it casts a nice bronze on his face, giving the illusion that

his irises are the color of golden honey.

I exhale at how great he looks.

"Why? What happened?" Wow, he's really persistent. My exhale turns to a sigh as I think back to

the events that have taken place today. Not only did I lose a friend and got exposed, I also lost

Mr. Malone... who apparently thought I was not important enough to fight for.

My throat clogs as the memories start to catch up with me: the talk with Mr. Malone, the yelling

from Coldren, the lying to Elizabeth.

"I'm... I'm sorry. I just..."

"No need to apologize. I have time, we can talk here."

My vision blurs as Mr. Hamsure leans against his car, laying a gentle arm over my shoulder as he

pulls me closer. I wipe away at the tears gingerly, embarrassed that I didn't make it to the safety

of my apartment before letting go of my baggage.

"It must of been a really shitty day if you're crying."

I nod, sniffing. God, get yourself together Calvin! This has to be the second time I've cried in front

of him. We stand there in silence, Mr. Hamsure waiting patiently for my tears to cease so I can

start speaking again.

"S-Sorry. So many things have h-happened today that I'm still trying to make sense of it."

Mr. Hamsure nods and precedes to reach into his car and grab a tissue, which he hands to me.

His open demeanor and soothing voice is enough to have me talking about what had happened.

"R-Remember the guy I was talking about? Well... we kind of... b-broke up."

"Oh wow, I'm sorry to hear that. When did this happen?" He asks.

"T-Today actually. It was... It was so SUDDEN, I couldn't understand w-what he was saying at first until... until he just came out and said it. We f-fought too, so we ended things on a really... really bad note. And I feel like its all my fault."

"It probably wasn't. From what you told me about this guy, I could tell he was an asshole. It was bound to happen anyway."

I shake my head, wiping the tissue under my nose as he pats the small of my back.

"I- I guess. It still hurts though, especially when he told me I wasn't a priority of his... W-Who says that about someone they care about?? Unless he just didn't care about me at all... which makes sense now that I'm looking back on everything that happened." I say wearily.

"Calvin, guys like that don't deserve people like you. I'm going to say this once, its probably for the best you move on."

"I know but-"

Suddenly, Mr. Hamsure's phone goes off in his pocket. He digs in for it and presses the side of the device, turning it off.

"O-Oh, you can take it if you like. Don't let me stop you."

"No. Unlike that ex of yours, I actually see you as my priority for the moment." He responds as I

blush deeply. I choke on my own words as his confession rewinds over and over again in my

head, the flutter in my stomach warming me all over. I don't even know how to respond... how

do you respond to something like that?

"Thank... Thank you." Is all I can muster.

"Of course. I just want to let you know whoever that ass-hat is, he let go of something valuable. Remember that whenever you feel like you're not good enough, or that you did something wrong in the relationship. He wasn't good enough for YOU." With that, he takes my hand in his

calloused one and squeezes, a breathtaking smile sitting on the bronze of his skin. I stare up at

him with doe-y eyes, trying not to sputter from the considerate words that left his mouth. Does

 he really think that about me?

A few moments go by in silence. Mr. Hamsure has his back lying against the passenger side

of his car and I mirror him, watching people walk to and from one location to the next. I spend

the time fiddling with my hands, becoming extremely aware of the heat radiating from his arm

being so close to mine. 

Have a great winter break :)

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