Tempting - Chapter 36: The Plan

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"What's it about?"

He sighs.

"Just a get together event. I wanted to do this for my employees, since they've worked hard all of last week."

"That's very nice of you." I hoarse, my throat still feeling like I've swallowed wood chips.

"What do you plan on doing?"

"An all paid trip to an amusement park in Cravensville. You know, for next Saturday."

"Really? David, that sounds awesome!"

"Ha, you excited?" I blush at my own abruptness and scratch the back of my neck.

"Yeah I... I always wanted to go to an amusement park. It'll be fun to actually exp-"

"Wait, you've never went to amusement park before?" Was it really that weird? I

pinch the skin between my fingers as I nod.

"Your parents never took you as a child?"

"...Um no. T-They were kind of busy I guess."

"They can't be that busy."

"I mean, I never really thought it was a weird thing." I confess.

"Huh, well I suppose I will try to give you a good experience. What did you and your parents do for fun then?" He asks. God, he's digging so much. I bite my lower lip as my mind grazes for any

memories of my past.

"We had... Uh... we sometimes watched movies together when they weren't busy. We... Me, my brother, and mom would sometimes cook together for thanksgiving. We usually didn't have it though."

"You have a brother?"

"Yeah, older. His name is Jackson."

"Oh...Is that all you guys did together?"

"Sometimes Tv?" I don't know what he wants me to say. He doesn't respond but instead nods,

looking at my face with another inconspicuous expression.


Switched P.O.V

I sit idly in the shop as I glance at my encrusted watch. The coffee shop's windows, glazed and

supremely clean, act as my mirror as I tuck the crease of my crimson tie beneath the collar of my

grey suit. The glass protecting the flamboyant array of desserts near the cashier desk take the

attention of a few customers, some of them giving me incredulous looks as they glance my way.

I don't mind it however, I'm the best dressed here. I reign superiority as always.

Finally, a familiar face appears around the corner as I predicated it would. Decked out in a

Cerulean blue dress shirt with a Dashani skirt, she clacks her way inside the shop, not giving me

two looks before sitting across from me. She brushes off her skirt as I lazily stare at her.

"Nice to see you're wearing a color that brings out my eyes." I joke, watching her chocolate irises

look up with annoyance.

"You better make this quick Mr. Hamsure. I don't do well with people wasting my time."

"Oh no, I'm not here to waste no time Ms. Collete. Just a moment to speak with you is all." She

clicks her tongue as she twirls her spoon through the dark brown coffee I had ordered for the

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