Tempting - Chapter 62: What's going on?

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Okay... I know a few of yall going to hate me, but hear me out... I got completely busy with life. 😭

I'm in college and its so damn hard to even just stay afloat and so I just didn't have the time to upload anymore. Don't worry, I've read a lot of your comments and know how much you all were waiting for the rest of the chapters. So I'll try my best to start writing again. It'll be hard to get back into the swing of things, but I'll definitely put in my best effort. Now, to stop your waiting, onwards with this story! 

Sorry again yall :(


"Yeah, I can't imagine how scary that is... How did they respond when you told them about Coldren?" I tried not to make Coldren's name sound bitter, but I am slightly irked that he still told Elizabeth.

"They were upset of course. *Sigh*, but at the same time, it's like this weight has just been lifted off my chest, you know? Before it used to be this huge umbrella over me and now... I just feel a lot better that it's out in the open."

"That's awesome to hear."

"Yeah, thanks Calvin. Gosh, I just realized its like 3 in the morning. Sorry again for calling so late, I'm happy that you were straight with me. Sleep well."

"You too," I say. With that, she ends the call and I slump back into my couch. I don't know what this exactly means for me or Mr. Malone. At the same time, Elizabeth's a good person, I doubt she'll tell anyone about this... hopefully.

I then rigidly lay against the seat of my couch, too exhausted to even hold back my yawn. My muscles are sore and my eyelids feel like there are anvils hanging from them. I'll just think more about Elizabeth tomorrow, for now, I just need some sleep...


Over the next 2 days of my weekend, I stayed home watching a series of zombie movies and

drama shows, knowing pretty well that it was the most unproductive thing I could do. I honestly

just wanted to do as little as possible.

At 9 in the morning on Saturday, I had called Mr. Hamsure to make sure he knew I was alright.

"Calvin!" He said,

" I was kind of worried. What happened?"

" A friend of mine bailed me out, sorry I didn't call right away."

"That doesn't matter. I'm just happy you're alright... Did they find out who put that bag in your room?"

I sighed while roaming my fingers absentmindedly over the rest of my couch. I've tried not to

think about the case, feigning it as a distant memory or a bad dream.

"I honestly don't know. I think the case was dismissed so they won't look into it..."

"I'm sorry Calvin." He said.

"No, no it's alright. It's not affecting me as bad as I thought it would."

"You know you shouldn't be alone. You can try to pretend you're alright all you want, but I want you to be around somebody... after you rest for the weekend, how about you come over on Monday?"

"...Oh, I-I mean if it's not that serious, really I'm fi-"

"I insist."

I blushed slightly at his persistence. The only person I know that was that straightforward was Mr. Malone, but I'm happy to know that he cares.

"Okay, y-yeah I can come over."

"Great. I'll pick you up after work on Monday. I've been working out some new soup recipes that I want you to try." He added. I smiled, happy that he still remembers my picky diet.

"That sounds great Gorden. See you then." Gorden said bye before ending the call. I laid back

against my couch as I remembered the way he smelled and looked. I know I shouldn't be

comparing him to my ex, but Mr. Hamsure has a more sweet dewy smell, a contrast to Mr.

Malone's signature.

It's actually a welcomed change. I giggled and covered my face as I remembered sitting on his

lap, pressing my lips against his. They're soft and I could continue kissing him for the rest of the


And just the way he flirts, the fact that he said I was making it hard for him to control himself...

I wondered what would've happened if the police had never gotten involved? If we were just left

alone... I guess I'll have to find out on Monday...


Currently, I'm walking to my office after using the building's elevator. It's quiet, most if not everyone is suffering from early morning sluggishness. However as I'm making my way to the entrance of my door, I catch a few people making swift eye contact with me, then looking away.

Most unsurprisingly Chloe is one of them. She's over at the printer with a few other people, but once we make eye contact I instantly look in the other direction. I'm really not trying to start anything with her, especially after everything that's happened.

When walking into the room, I lay my laptop on my desk and scoot into my seat. It's kind of nice to be back to the same old same old. Now that I think of it, with David being reverted back to my boss, there's no need to stress about our relationship. We're just good friends at this point. I can finally be at peace and no one needs to be suspicious of me anymore.


Well except for the people who now know of our past relationship of course. I hum slightly as I turn on my laptop, opening the files containing the documents I need to edit. After half an hour of working, I hear a knock on my door.

"Come in." I say reluctantly, kind of scared that whoever it is will ruin my mood. Elizabeth opens the door with two cups of coffee in a holder. She smiles.

"Hello there Calvin. Just bringing over some coffee if you want any." She says in her usual chirpy voice.

"Oh wow, that's really nice. You didn't need to do that." I say as she hands me one. It's still hot to the touch.

"Well it was the least I could do for calling in the middle of the night and you still talking with me."

We exchange smiles as I take a sip of my coffee. Hm... cinnamon-spiced, my favorite flavor.

"Do you like it? Sorry, I just got the one I usually order for myself-"

"No, it's actually good. Thanks."

"No problem."

She takes a sip of her own cup and sits in the open seat across from my desk, biting her bottom lip.

"You know Calvin. I really appreciate you hearing me out yesterday. I just want you to have a good day but... and um... Actually never mind." She looks away.

I pause in the midst of my sip.

"What? What's going on?" 

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