Tempting - Chapter 59: Friends

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Switched Perspective

"Cranberry or lemon?" I hear him say from the kitchen.

"Uh lemon."

He finishes up the drinks and walks back into his living room, sitting next to me. I get a sense of nostalgia as he hands over my own drink. I sip it quietly and he sighs.

"You know anyone who would frame you for this?"

I swallow and look down at the dark liquid in my cup, as if all the events that transpired today was showing in the amber.

"I honestly... I d-don't want to name random people expecting it to be them. This could be anyone... what I'm more afraid of is the fact that they got into my apartment without me knowing." I shiver at the thought.

"Its crazy...I thought I was going to jail for sure. Just... thank you for helping me."

He gives me a warm smile and I can't help but feel slightly drawn to it. I know we're not together, but old habits die hard. I take a long sip of the fruit infused alcohol to stop sinking into his amber eyes any further.

"No problem... Anytime Calvin." He responds in his deep voice. He clears his throat, takes a sip of his own drink, and leans back against his seat.

"Tell me exactly what happened."

"Oh. Uh, well I was with-" I shut my mouth after I realize I'm about to say Gordon's name. I see Mr. Malone raise a eyebrow before I look away. Shoot.

"I don't care if you were with Mr. Hamsure or not. What really matters is getting to the bottom of this."

"Y-yeah. I was with him. We stopped at my apartment and he came... inside for like... uh for drinks and stuff."

I see Mr. Malone's face fall into a grimace despite it being so dark around us. I take another sip of my beverage. Maybe getting slightly intoxicated will make this conversation easier.

"For drinks? In your apartment?" He glowers.

"Yeah... drinks."

"Was that it?"

"Uh y-yup. Anyway, next thing I hear are police at my door with a warrant. They check through my apartment, and they also check through my room. Under my bed was a suitcase with a lot of cash in it... I don't know where it came from." I conclude, feeling my heart race at the memory.

"And that's when you were arrested?"

I nod, finishing the last of my drink. I place it down on the table as Mr. Malone leans forward to

open his cushion refrigerator. He takes out a indigo bottle and untwists the lid, pouring clear

liquid into my cup.

"Thank you."

"You really have to stop thanking me for every little thing."

"Oh sorry."

"And stop apologizing as well."

I frown as I catch him smirking. He punches my knee lightly and downs his own drink. Funny, I think Gordon had said the same thing. I wonder what he's doing right now actually...

"Don't worry about this... I'll find who framed you. For now you probably have to lay low at work, don't talk to people who you know are terrible."

"Actually, Mr. Turner s-said it was multiple people..."

"Really? Jesus, what could they have against you?"

I bite my bottom lip. I inhale deeply through my nose and grab my cup off his table.

"Well if that's the case, I'm going to have to find all of them." He says adamantly.

"Thank you Mr. Malone- Oh I mean... no thank you? Ha never mind." I chuckle, however he doesn't join in. His face falls once again and I catch him looking down at the drink he's whirling around his cup.

"You... really are never going to call me by first name again?"

"..." I look down at my own drink, feeling my cheeks warm. I sigh.

"I just... don't want to give the wrong idea."

"Of what?"

"Like I want to b-be back in a relationship or something. I just want to move on." I force out. He slouches at my words and I feel a short pain in my heart. He then coughs and regains his composure.

"I know I hurt you-"

"Please, let's not have this c-conversatio-"

"I know, but please let me finish. I want to make things right. Really. Even if that's not through us getting back together. I'm sorry for... everything I said. If you would allow us to just be friends, I would really appreciate that."

His fiery eyes bore into my own, and I feel myself slowly warming to them, like an old flame my heart has been longing for. I can only bite my lip, not knowing if I should really accept the olive branch or not.

"I... I don't want to... get back together..." I mutter.

"But I do miss this... I do miss being around you. If we could just be friends, that would be alright."

"I understand."

David smiles, holding his beverage out.

"Here's to friendship then."

"Ha yeah..."

I clink my glass against his and we both take a long swig. Honestly, I do feel a lot lighter now that

me and David were able to work things out, even if its just a step in the right direction.

We sit there for a few minutes, just sipping our drinks quietly when David breaks the silence.

"By the way, you don't need to come to work on Monday if you're still feeling shaken up."

"No, I should be fine. I want to come in."

"Are sure Calvin? I don't want you to push yourself-"

"I'm sure. Thank you David... Okay now I'm done." I joke.

He smirks and shakes his head.

"Well... I can expect your tired from sitting in that station for hours. How about I take you home after your done with your drink?"

"That would be nice." I just now notice how exhausted I really am. My legs are still aching from the floor, and I can really imagine me on my couch right about now. As if on cue I stifle a yawn.

"Alright, finish up and I'll drive you home." 

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