Tempting - Chapter 7: Got to wait

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Finally, we are left alone again... well not counting the little fur-balls that yapped and scraped at each other while fighting over a colorful squeaking monkey.

We sit in uncomfortable silence, David paying more attention to the Tv then my presence.

"Those are some unique names... uh you gave your dog." I pipe up, wondering if my voice was a little too high. His bright orange yellowish eyes focus on me again, and its almost like being high. I want his eyes on me as long as it can be.

"I like names that are different. I believe the ones that I picked out for them matches their characters."



"But they're dogs." I let slip as I try to understand his point.

"Yeah, but each one of them has a different personality. I just chose a name that kind of fits it." Just as he's saying this, he stands up, taking off the top coat of his suit, exposing the muscles underneath his white shirt.

He catches me staring as he places it next to me.

"Why don't you get comfortable."

"Yes sir." I mumble as a playful scowl plays on his face.

"Excuse me?"

"I mean... Yes David."

"That's more like it." I feel my heart skip as he places his thumb on my bottom lip, moving it slowly from right to left. I continue to take the coat of my borrowed suit off as we make heated eye contact. I don't think I can look away.

He leans down, planting a warm kiss on my lips before helping me take the garment off. Suddenly he pulls away, and as he does, my body moves forward too, wanting more.

"I want to do so much things to you..." He says deeply as I shiver, his warm eyes like hot coals. He sighs.

"But not yet."

"Why?" I let out, a dark blush creeping onto my cheeks.

"I mean, not that we have to do anything, I just thought..."

"You should go home and rest." He takes the coat he had put down beside me and walks towards his hallway, the sight of him doing so leaving behind a cold feeling in my stomach.


"Yes, you can use my card in the bowl by the door if you want to. But for now, you had a long day. Rest and I'll see you tomorrow." And with that, he vanishes behind a corner, my mouth agape with disbelief.

Did I say or do something wrong? I should've kept my mouth shut. I feel tears threaten to well in my eyes, but by sear will power I don't cry. Its not going to help anything, as I've learned a long time ago.

I don't take the black card in fear that I'll lose it. The little dogs disregard their play thing for a moment to bark at me rigorously, all except Bismuth, who had stolen the monkey and ran away with it.

This is enough to have me slip out the door as fast as possible, the scene outside still taking the breath right out of me.

Maybe he came to his senses and decided that I wasn't worth it? At least it was great while it lasted.

I take one more grand look at the nice street before getting on the bus, sitting at the back.


The day goes on as if it could've been any other normal evening for me. I sit alone, watching tv on my small screen as cats start to howl outside from play fighting.I hear a couple arguing in their apartment next to me and I have to try to drown them out so I can listen to my show.

But I can't listen to my show. All I can think about is him. David. He keeps seeping into my mind like water outside of a towel.

I keep asking myself 'what if', and its driving me crazy. What if I stopped stuttering so much, would he have liked me?

I shake my head, again focusing on the tv.


Sleep came briskly to me as I crack my back in the fresh morning sunlight coming from my window. I get up from couch as my alarm continues to blare from the other side of the room.

All I could think about was going to work and seeing those amber eyes again.

I go into my bathroom and take a cold shower (the only resources available to me for the moment), still not looking into the mirror.

I get out, brushing my hair and taking my suit out from my bag that I put it in on the previous night. It smells kind of like Cheetos and lemon. I remember that I probably should do my laundry, but I'm trying to save up to pay for my rent. Hopefully the next few pay checks I get will suffice.

I pick up my bag and walk out the door, getting on the bus that drove down my street. 

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