Tempting - Chapter 45: Sliding

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Helllllloooo everyone! I'm back and with new chapters I will posting every Wednesday and Friday :))) 

Hope that everyone enjoys these and I'm so happy to see the amount of people who still stuck around. It means a lot. Happy Winter Break and rest up! 

At the edge of the intimidating platform, gallons of water careen down the slide's plastic

exterior. People don't even hesitate as they grab blow up boats and dip down the steep ride,

screams echoing against the vast build of the park. I swallow.

Suddenly I feel a hand on my shoulder and I look up to find Mr. Hamsure gifting me a small


"You look like you're about to pee your pants."

"Ha, nah. Its just really high... Didn't know we would be this high up." I admit, pinching the skin

between my fingers. Elizabeth walks over to the Reception Stand to get a few floaties for us as I

try not to entertain the idea that I might fall off and break all the bones in my body. Of course,

the little girl bounces around, clearly excited about the slide, making me feel that much more

embarrassed by being frightened.

"Well, if you don't feel that comfortable, we can share a floaty." He suggests as my eyes widen. I

scratch the back of my neck sheepishly, heat tinting my ears.

"Ah, its okay. I don't want to separate you from your niece."

"She doesn't care as long as she goes down the slide. Also, I insist."

That's really nice of him. I give a timid smile as I mull it over in my head. Maybe it won't be that

bad if he slides down with me, just being around him is calming anyway.

"S-Sure." I agree bashfully. At this time, Elizabeth finally comes back with gigantic floaties fit for

two dangling from her hands. She gives one to the little girl, who grabs at it with

excitement and one to me.

"Thanks Elizabeth, me and Mr. Hamsure want to go down together. Do you mind?"

"Oh, of course not! Yeah, I will go down with the cutie pie." She pokes the nose of Mr Hamsure's

niece who giggles.

This... This is it. I'm just thankful all of this is a major distraction from Davi- Mr. Malone since

I know if I was home at the moment, I would be balling in front of my television while eating all

types of ice cream.

I swallow, watching Mr. Hamsure sit in the floaty that's barely on the edge, knowing that if I go in,

there's no going back. My cheeks ignite as I take my place in front of him, becoming extremely

aware that my back is to his pelvic area.

"You ready?" I hear him say in my ear, causing me to exhale a short breath. My eyes wash over

the entire landscape visible from these heights, and honestly its striking. I just wish there wasn't

a chance I could die. I should be fine, right?

I finally give the nod for him to push forward, closing my eyes tightly as I feel his weight shift.

"Here we go!" All life gets knocked out of me as we careen down the surface, billows of air

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