Tempting - Chapter 22: Starts at 8

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I sit crisscrossed on my couch as my television blares my favorite afternoon show, Dr. Excellent.

Its Saturday, and I still haven't heard anything from David, not like I expected him to reach out,

but I thought maybe after the meeting he would've at least texted my phone.

I've been repressing the urge to binge ever since yesterday, especially after the smirk Ms. Collete

had given me in his office. I haven't eaten anything for a while, and I can feel myself sway

slightly every time I stood up from my couch. It hurt to think about it, it hurt to stare at my

phone minutes at a time. Its fine, he probably just wants some space.

I look back at the TV. Then I look back at my phone. Then the TV. Then the phone. Should I call

him? No that would make me seem desperate. Maybe a text? But what if he's doing something

important? Then I'd just be a burden. I groan as I look back at Dr. Gresure on my Television as he

carefully places a little girl with a broken knee on a patient bed. I do remember that at night I'm

supposed to be going out to a club with a bunch of people I don't know well, so I'd rather just

relax for the rest of my afternoon.

Suddenly I hear a knock on my door as the Doctor starts to check her freckled ears. Who could

that be?

I make sure to wait for the dots that swam my vision to disappear before walking over and

looking through the peephole, seeing a old woman that I think I've cast a glance over once or

twice in the building. I open a peek.

"Um, yes?" Her yellow hair is tied to the back of her head while little white wisps were free from

the band. She has sun spots all over her face, especially around her nose. She smiles, but in a

way that makes my skin crawl.

"Hello. Is this... CALVEN?" She says in a scratchy voice, sprays of spit flying from her mouth as she ends the sentence. I nod my head as I try to hide my confusion.

"I'm the new Apartment Manager, I am here for rent. You had notice."

"Oh! The previous landowner said I could have more time on that."

"No, no, it says here we are expecting rent money that you have not paid yet..." She readjusts her

bug like glasses, looking directly at the sheet of paper in front of her as my hands start tremble.

"Wait, I just got a job and I'm getting p-paid next week. S-surely we can come to some sort of understanding?" I plead.

"But it says here! I'm reading the paper in front of me. It says I need money from you. YOU DON'T have money?"

"No, well, not r-right now, but I swear I'm getting it next week."

"No, no I can't do that. I'm going to have to take this to the boar-"

"Please, just a little more time!" I look her in her magnified eyes, trying to find a hint of empathy

behind those glasses, but all that's there is the squint of a old lady. However, to my surprise,

she sighs.

"You remind me of my son, hopeless, stuttering all the time. Blah, fine. You get 3 more days. Anything more then that you have to start packing out."

"But 3 days i-isn't going to be enough!"

"Figure that out on your own. I'm not usually this generous. Even to my own kid. 3 days, no more, no less... I mean less would be better, saves me the paper work, but yeah, 3 DAYS stands!"

And with that she turns around gradually, grumbling all in her wake. I sigh profuesly as I close

the door, feeling that gray cloud settle around my mind once more. What am I going to do? I

won't be able to get the money until the end of next week and I don't think I will be able to find a

job high paying enough to match the money I need in 3 days. I see a floating thought at the back

of my head, and it seems so simple to just follow it and get out of my burden. But I know I can't

do it.

"No, I won't ask David for money. He already bought me a expensive laptop and phone. Asking

for him to pay my rent is just pushing it." I say to myself, sitting back in a crisscross on my couch.

I've made up my mind, I'm not asking David. But what will I do then?

I try to focus on the show in front of me but to no avail.


Darkness sweeps over the sky as I pull on a regular white t- shirt and black pants. Its 7:15. I have

to leave before 7:30 so I can make it to the club by 8.

I brush a comb through my wet hair before puffing it out. I also spray a little cologne on my neck,

a gift I had gotten from my Grandmother through mail. My mind still bounces back to the fact

that I may be homeless in a few days. It just seems so surreal, but I keep telling myself that I'll

iifigure out a solution without having to resort to using David.

I look at my side bag on the floor and wonder if I should take it with me. I've always had it across

my shoulders ever since I've moved to the city, never leaving home without it. I glance at it one

moment more before grabbing it and throwing the straps over myself.

Right, now I'm ready... Well, as ready as I'll ever be. As the alarm on my phone goes off for 7:30

pm, I walk out the door, closing it behind me. 

Okay, another stress on Calvin's shoulders but he's a big boy. He can probably handle it... just doesn't know how yet. Vote if you want to :)

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