Tempting - Chapter 40:

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Guys, we've just hit the 40th chapter!~WOOHOO! Thanks for the support in this long but really rewarding journey. This adventure will be ending soon, but I can't wait to see what my mind comes up next for a book. Anyway, enjoy this chapter and have a nice day! :)

With a start, I turn around abruptly, ridiculously expecting a man in dark clothing holding

a burlap bag over his head to grab me, but instead I see David leaning against the entrance of a

door. I sigh with relief.

Before I can say anything, he nods his head towards the inside and walks back through the

entrance. I suppose he wants me to follow him.

Once I close the door behind him, I get a steady look of whats around me. The room is cramp

with a miniature bed in the middle of it and a small window cloaked with a beige curtain.

I can say its not the most... nicest place I've ever been too, but its probably the only thing closest

to the park were we can meet.

I smile as David grabs me by my waist, pulling me closer.

"Hello there." He says in a deep voice, sending electricity through my body. His eyes are covered

with thick dark sunglasses, but I still feel his piercing irises on me.

"Hey. Thanks again for this. I'm actually excited."

"That's good to hear. I want to make sure this is fun for all my employees... especially you." He

seals his sentence off with a kiss, making my cheeks lightly warm. I inhale his

scent, feeling again that unmistakable euphoria.

"So, why did you want to meet up in here?" I question.

"Just wanted to see you. Feel you. Know if you're okay." He pauses for a moment before continuing,

"I've noticed you being a little down all through this week."

"Oh! No, I feel okay. I'm sorry for worrying you."

"That's good, because I've been thinking about you ever since Tuesday. Thinking about what you did..." He gently brings his thumb up to my bottom lip and I can't help but gradually fall into

a trance. I want him to touch me more.

"I can't stop thinking about that day too."

He hums as he tilts my chin up, placing his lips on my own again. He starts to bob his head

sending pleasure all throughout my body. I feel like I might burst from being so close to him. He

pushes me against the beige wall as he slips his tongue in. As we continue

to kiss, he grabs my leg firmly and places it at the base of his hip. God, he's so good at this. I

always can't think straight when he does to me. Suddenly, he presses his thigh between my legs

and not even will power can stop me from almost collapsing.

"You like that?" He says as I try to hide, unsuccessfully, a moan at the back of my throat.

"Y-yeah h-ha ha." I reply timidly, trying to regain my balance. He does a deep chuckle before

lowering his head and grazing his teeth above my collarbone.

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