Tempting - Chapter 56: Exposing

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Switched Perspective

In all honesty I'm not usually in a position where it's crucial to get straight to the point, however

this is necessary. I clear my throat.

"You know I usually don't like doing things over the phone."


"And, I need you to meet me at a particular location." I add. Going by the muffle curses coming

from her side of the phone I can tell she's not elated with the idea.

"Its the middle of the night! Why would I do that?"

"Because this is something extremely important." I once again clear my throat and bring my voice down lower.

"It has to do with our deal."

"I know that, we can discuss whatever it is over the phone." She counters. Jesus, she is one adamant woman.

"No we can not. Let's say someone's recording the conversation we are about to have." I sigh.

"I'm not recording you."

"I wouldn't know that."

Her end is silent for a moment and I quickly veer my mind to how I can persuade her into

coming. There has to be something I can say or do.

"Fine. Whatever, say it quick." I let out a silent breath of relief as I look over to the signs on the street.

"Alright, arrive at 1790 Morden street. Then drive into the parking lot of a electronic store on your right. Call me after you get here." I conclude, gliding my hand through my damp hair.

Without another word she ends the call and I fall back into my seat. Raindrops decorate the

outside of my window and the light from lamp posts bounces off of them to create scenic


I trail the twinkling droplets with my eyes as they get so big that they race down the glass.

I wish I could have more time to enjoy such natural art, but there will always be no time. I always have to be on my toes, especially now that I'm suspecting Mr. Malone knows about my endeavors. If he does have evidence then he can use it against me at any time, so I need to be one step ahead.

"Just one step ahead." I mutter.


I feel my eyes grow heavier as I focus on my rear view mirror pointed towards the entrance of the

parking lot. Its after midnight, and it hadn't crossed my mind to get coffee. Practically on the

edge of sleep I turn up the volume on my radio, hoping that the poppy music will jump start my

adrenaline just a bit. Nope, still feel drowsy.

I sigh against my head rest, waiting for the bright yellow of Ms. Collete's car to show up on the

property. Has she decided... no... has she decided not to come? I have to suppress the urge to

pick up the phone once more and dial her number. No Gordon, she'll come... its just a matter of

time is all.

I sit for another 15 minutes, taking glances out my window for any familiar cars. Finally I look up

at my rear to find a yellow vehicle, darkened by the night time, rolling into the parking lot as it

takes a spot closest to the store.

I have to hide my exhilaration as my phone rings.

"You're here." I conclude in a mono tone voice.

"Yes. Are you in the blue car?"

"Actually it's indigo-"

"Do you really think I give a rat's ass?" Before I can respond, she hangs up. Alright, no need for

starting a fight. I need to stay focused on being cordial as possible so I can make this a done


I see the outline of woman walking out from her car and over to me, and I unlock the door so she

can slide in. Ah, still as angry and bitter as I remember her. The only difference is that her hair is

put in plates and she's wearing a white shirt with crimson pants.

"So, what is it? AND to the point, I don't have all night."

"...I need you to give me the blackmail now." I say without warning. I watch a scowl stretch onto

her features and her mouth twitches to insult, but I quickly talk over her.

"Mr. Malone already knows about my endeavors, and so I need the blackmail right away. He's on

to me. You need to show me whatever it is or we're done for."

"We? I already told you that this plan was idiotic! I knew this would only end in him finding out."

"Even if he did find out anything, that does negate the fact that we have something valuable against him." I look deeply into her deep brown eyes, having to rely on persuasion alone to get

her to go along.

"I know you don't trust me." I sigh.

"But if you really want this plan to succeed, you just have to work with me here."

"...This is ridiculous. Absolutely ridiculous."

"Are you going to do it or not?"

She looks between my eyes with disbelief before finally gazing back out the windshield. She

reaches into her pant's pocket and takes out her phone. I try to take a glance at what she's

doing but its slightly out of eye shot.

Suddenly she places the phone in my hand, and on the screen is the blank page of a document. I

look at her questioningly.

"Scroll down." She says bluntly.

I scroll down and my eyes start to grow larger. I continue looking over the pages, and honestly I

can't tell if this some sort of prank or something.

"Are these real?" I ask.

"How do you think I got this job in the first place?" She replies.


Calvin POV

I sit with my legs against my chest as I search outside of the bars for any resemblance of Mr.

Malone. I know we're supposed to be fighting, but I couldn't think of any other person who

would be as effective in explaining to them my innocence. And so if the CEO of the company

were to say I didn't do it, they should believe me... right? 

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