Tempting - Chapter 4: Do you want me?

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I squeeze myself against the wall Coldren used to be in. Half an hour has gone by and he still isn't back yet. I try to look down at my feet but again, my stomach is obstructing my view. I'm bout to suck my gut in when I hear a familiar voice.

"Calvin... where is Coldren?"

"C-coldren?" Its David. I look down at the floor, feeling fully guilty.


"You're the only one here. He left, didn't he?" He sighs, adjusting his tie. I can't form words so I nod. My face feels very hot and my knees start to tremble. For a moment, I take a risky look at his muscles, and I have to try not to squeal.

I don't know if he noticed or not, but he decides to walk closer to me, the smell of pine again filling my nose. My eyelids lower, as if I'm in a daze.

"At least I did catch you alone."

"Sir, I uh-" Again, he roughly kisses me on the lips, pushing me gently into the wall. My hands shoot up to his chest, but I don't know what to do with them. He's so big and strong... and I'm... me.

He takes a handful of my hair and forces my head back, giving him access to my neck. A small timid moan comes from my mouth as he lays kisses on my collarbone.

"God..." I say as I intake a sharp breath.

"Do you want me?" He soothes in the deepest voice imaginable. He brushes his thumb against my bottom lip as I look away from him, my ears and cheeks feeling hot.

"Do you want me?" He repeats. I nod my head, feeling slightly embarrassed.

Suddenly, we hear someone coming up the stairs, and David quickly backs away, his face neutral as if nothing had happened. I, on the other hand, feel like a cherry as I try to hide the clear arousal below my stomach.

"Oh shit." I hear Coldren say as he ascends the stairs. He turns pale as David gives him a sharp look.

"Uh Mr. Malone, I... um I was using the bathroom you see and I-"

"I don't want to hear it. You will answer to me after this event is over but for now I want you stay in your position. Without. Moving."

"Yes sir, I'm sorry sir." He apologizes, walking to my side. David's fiery eyes divert to my own.

"And you. Next time you see your co-worker leave his station, you come to me asap. Understand?"

"Y-yes sir."

With that, he walks out, his hands behind his back. We kissed, again. I brush my fingers over my lips quickly, a slight smile hiding on my face.

"Calvin, what the hell man?!" Coldren blurts, making me jump.

"Huh, what happened?" I say dazedly.

"Why didn't you make up a excuse for me when he got here?"

"I... He didn't really give me a chance to speak." My cheeks tinge pink as his words fill my head again: 'Do you want me?'.

"Shit, shit. I hope he doesn't fire me. It took me a while to get to where I am."

"I'm sure he won't fire you for something that small."

"You don't know him man. I know you just got this job a few days ago, so let me explain something to you. Mr. Malone. Doesn't. Fuck. Around. Why do you think we're all scared shit-less of him?"

"Because he's your boss?"

"No, smart ass, because he won't hesitate once to let you go. Once he was sleeping with this woman and they actually got close. However, she screwed up big time at a post and she got fired immediately. I'm telling you, that man has no emotions." He finishes, as I think about my relationship with David, well if you can even call it that.

I still believe that this may just be a dream, and that it will all vaporize into a measly pile of ashes if I were to think about it too much.

I nod, the boss's eccentric eyes still stuck in my head. They're so beautiful, and so mesmerizing. And those arms and chest.

"Doe boy! Jesus, are you even listening? My ass could be on the line here and I need someone to talk to." He whines.

"I'm sorry. I was somewhere el-"

"You're always somewhere else. God, if you can't be present for two seconds then why in the fuck do you even have this job? Why were you even given it?!" His dark eyes grow in slits.

"I said I'm sorry, I don't think you're going to be fired though."

"You really know nothing. Just- Just stay over there in your corner and i'll stay in mine."


I stalk over to the other side of the hallway and look at the ground, not trying to make eye-contact with Coldren again. It was probably something I said, I'm always doing something wrong.


The guests finally arrive and the big mansion is swarmed with people of all class. I see some co-workers who are well off enough to afford going, and some big names. I see David sometimes, luring guests into different rooms, talking to people about marketing deals, etc.

My eyes can't seem to leave him once he's in their sights. My heart always feels like its about to explode. Someone who actually likes me...

And he's the ceo of a billion dollar industry. If I were to tell anyone back home, they'd laugh in my face and call me a liar, especially my friend Marcus.

The night goes on until its 1 pm, announcing the end of the celebration. I lean against the wall of the hallway, exhaustion and fatigue weighing me down. Coldren's already asleep, his black cap covering his face as a snore wafts through the hall.

I walk over to him reluctantly and say "Coldren, its ending." but he doesn't even stir. I then poke his arm, and he finally comes awake.

"Wh-What? What do you want?"

"The event is ending now."

"Ooh. Okay, Jesus Christ my back!" He yawns as he twists his upper body, causing a sickening crack. I wince at the sound because bones cracking has always been revolting to me.

"What? Why did you make that face?"

"I just don't like the sound of crackin-"

Before I can finish he cracks his knuckles right in my face. I flinch away from him with a scowl.

"Hey stop that!" I say, as he comes closer with his other fingers.

"Oh come on doe boy, its not that bad, its actually satisfying if you give it a chance."

"Noooooo!" I whine as he rips another crack. He continues to laugh until guests start filing out near our station, and we go back to our positions. 

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