Tempting - Chapter 15 - Sir

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I snuggle closer to him, feeling every muscle in his stomach and the strong arms around my

lower waist. I also feel another thing, it's pushing into my lower stomach uncomfortably.

As I move slightly for a better position, David keeps me in place, a smirk on his face. Why is he

smirking like that? I look down and reveal that the object that's been poking me is in fact the

bulge in his dark denim jeans.

"David...!" I gasp as I look up at him with a dark flush. He chuckles softly and kisses my nose,

then my lips.

"You're so cute and its turning me on." He breathes into my ear, making me hide in the space

between his chin and collarbone. I grasp onto his shoulders as he starts to move his hips upward

into my own.

"You know what you can do for me right now?"

"W-what?" I pant, biting my bottom lip. I feel myself getting uncomfortably turned on by just his

voice alone. Its almost as if I've forgotten about everything else but him.

He kisses the side of my ear.

"Rub against me."

I slightly choke on air as he says this, my stomach fluttering. He readjusts me

so that his lower body's more aligned with my zipper. I can't believe this is happening. I start off

slow, grinding against him as the heat drives me crazy. It feels so good...

His low moan vibrates against my forehead as I let out a deep breath.

"There's so much I want to do to you, you have no idea..." He parts his lips as I continue to rub

my lower section against his, this time faster. Why does this feel so good?

There's one thing I've just learned from this experience, David is BIG. Even through his pants I

can feel it straining against the dark fabric, a trait I only thought existed in those chick lit


There's one point during this pleasurable time where he holds my hips in place and I've never

felt so desperate to continue doing something. I pant, pulling my head up so I'm straddling his

waist, biting my lip till it pains me. I rest my hands on his chest and whimper as he continues to

hold me in place.

"Oh my god David, please...!"

"How much do you want this, *ah* Calvin."

"A lot! Okay, A-A lot, please let me finish." I start to blurt out things that I wouldn't have said in

any normal occasion and I blush deeply at the sound of my neediness. However, David's lustful

expression just twists into another smirk.

"What's the fun in that?"


"I want to hear you fight for it. Ah, shit, show me how much you want to keep going." His

bright eyes trail my upright body eagerly and I can't help but groan under my breath. I'm

starting to hate this, I want to continue, why is he holding me back? I let out a frustrated groan.

"D-Dang it David! Please..."

"Is that the best you can do?" He gibes. I can suddenly feel my mind go hot as I make another

feeble attempt to push my hips forward, but to no relief.

"You are so mean! Why can't you just let me go? You're such a"

"Such a what?"

"I don't know SIR, you answer that for yourself!" I feel him tense up under me as his eyes adjusts

to slits but I don't feel intimidated at all. In fact, I feel frustrated as I breathe heavily, my hands

clutching into fists on his chest.

"What did you call me Calvin?"

"I called you Sir! And I don't know why you have such a big problem with me calling you anything other then your name, but you don't with anyone else!" I chide, my anger growing by

the minute. In any other time I wouldn't have believed for a minute that I'd get mad at David

enough for me to yell at him, but here I am.

"And- And also, I hate it when you ignore me after we've been together! What the heck is up with that? Is it just a ego thing? Just tell me if you're not really attracted to me so I won't need to-" Before I can finish,

David surprisingly flips me over onto my stomach as his heavy body weighs me down. I feel his

hands pin my wrists.

"That's enough." He breathes against my neck as he starts to grind against my lower half again. I

let out an embarrassing whimper while he starts to hump harder, and harder, and the only thing

that filled my mind for those amazing minutes was the sound of his harsh breaths against my

ear, saying my name.

I don't remember when I released, but I do recall laying face first on the crimson bed, drenched

in sweat as David rolls off of me, settling by my side.

That just happened... My common sense starts to return back to me as I hide my face in my

hands. Even if it was through clothes, I still feel very vulnerable, more vulnerable then I have

ever felt in years.

I feel him wrap his arm over my back.

"Was that okay?" He asks, his voice still deep. I blush slightly as I turn around on my side to face him.

"Yeah, it was... I-I'm sorry for yelling at you. I didn't mean to get so heated, I don't even know where it came from."

"Calvin, you didn't hurt my feelings at all. I felt like you needed to take out some of the negative emotions you've been bottling up. And honestly, I thought I could make you do worse."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, you're fucking adorable when you're angry. Do you never curse?"

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