Tempting - Chapter 65: Not again

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I don't know how to respond so I sit there in silence. What is the point of this? I'm really hoping that he isn't like this because of Mr. Hamsure. He promised me on Friday that he'd let that part of our relationship go, so why is he telling me all this?

A few good minutes go by before he lets out a short cough.

"I know... I know you have the freedom to do whatever you want, but I just... why him of all people?" I watch as he pushes a hand through his dark hair and continues,

"Why the one person you know I have something against. I just don't understand why you'd... do that."

I feel my heart spike as my head gradually starts to boil. What does he mean by that? Not everything is about his competition, or how he feels at the end of the day. I feel my mouth start to form the words, 'As sad as it is, everyone else has a life that doesn't revolve around your fued.' but I refrain from it.

I let out a long breath.

"It wasn't to... hurt you if you're thinking that. I did it because I wanted to. Also, me and Mr. Hamsure are just good friends."

"Come on Calvin. We both know that's a lie. I've seen the way you look at him, why can't you just say that's the case instead of beating around the bush?" David says in a slightly higher volume. His face is a lot more flushed than usual.

I ball my hands in my lap, as the adrenaline in my ears starts to pump harder.

"I'm not lying! Y-You're the one who thinks that. And even if there was something going on, you shouldn't care because we're not together anymore." I snap in a higher pitch. Although I start to feel some guilt when those words leave my lips, that all soon dissipates as his mouth curls into a snarl.

"I care because he's clearly going to take advantage of you. Anybody with brains could see that, so I find it funny that you can't."

My hands start to shake as I combat,

"This is obsessive David!"

"...I'm obsessed? Ha, that's funny... Because I remember just how involved you were in figuring out who Ms. Collete was to me. Even though I told you not to worry you still wouldn't leave it alone. THAT'S what I call obsessed."

"That's because we were together!"

"Were we?" David snaps. My lips close into a tight line as I feel all types of emotions unfurl in my mind. No.

No, I do not need this. Not again. I won't feel this hurt again, he can't make me. I'm done. I shake my head forcefully as I feel tears begin to sting my eyes.

I grab my bag from the foot of my chair and move to stand up, to which David follows suit.

"Wait, Calvin-"

"I'm leaving," I mutter, trying to hide my sniffs as I make my way to his door. However, before I can fully walk out, David appears behind me, closing it back and caging me in his arms.

I turn around to face him in disbelief, quickly wiping away the tears on my cheeks.

"What the heck D-David?"

"Look just... just give me a second." His hands that are pressed against the wall beside me curl into fists. He lowers his head and closes his eyes with a complex expression that I just can't point my finger on.

"I... It's just seeing you with him..."

How long do I need to stomach this?

"... You remind me so much of him that it's so painful to watch you be with..."

"...Remind you of who?" I mutter.

He shakes his head, scrunching his eyebrows together.

"Nevermind, forget I said anything... I'm sorry for everything I did to you."

An apology from David is bitter-sweet at this point. It doesn't matter how much guilt he could inflict on me. It all just heads straight to distressful memories, that I would rather not even think about again.

I place my hands on his chest, and he responds by lowering his face closer to mine. However, to his slight surprise, I push him mildly away while shaking my head.

"I... I'm sorry but David I really c-can't do this again."

"But-" Before he can say anything else, I turn around and open the door.

My blood runs absolutely cold as I see who's standing on the other side.

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⏰ Last updated: May 23, 2022 ⏰

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