Tempting - Chapter 32: Thanks But...

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Walking is a chore now. Every time I move a little too fast, black dots invade my vision like its

war. I eat a small tomato before calling it even, walking out my door to the lobby. The bright

morning sun hangs over the sky like a death wish to anyone that's dehydrated and that anyone

is me.

I think about David and what happened yesterday. In all honesty I want to apologize for

everything I said, I want to hang in his arms, and I want to experience what we did in his house

again. I want to be a real couple with him, but are my dreams too far-fetched? Am I living in

fantasy land?

I sigh deeply and as I'm about to walk out the lobby's entrance, I catch sight of someone

standing beside the door. As I accidentally bump him with my elbow, I immediately turn to

apologize, but my heart jumps through my shirt as I see who it is.

"Hello again Calvin."

"M-Mr. Hamsure! Oh, oh I'm sorry I didn't know you lived around here." I say as he smirks. He's

leaning against the wooden frame of the entrance, almost as if he was waiting for someone. I

have to say, Mr. Hamsure really knows how to dress himself. He's wearing a mustard brown suit

with a dark tie, and his hair is, as always, gelled back.

"You can say that. But I don't live on this street."

"Oh, were you waiting for someone?" I look by the curb to make sure that my bus hasn't arrived


"Yes actually. I was waiting for you." He says slickly. I look up at him as my cheeks light up, an inferno heat rushing around my body. Stop it Calvin!

"M-Me?" I choke.

"Yes, I just wanted to tell you that during our infamous ride home you have told me some troubling things about your financial situation."


"And I took the liberty of helping you out."

"Wait, wait. You... YOU paid for my rent??" I stand there dumbfounded as I stare into his bright

blue eyes. I can't help it as my breaths come short, nearly making me gasp like I've been

punched in the gut.

"Now, I know what you're thinking. Just think of this as a little gift. Helping a friend."

"Y-You, you shou... shouldn't have..." Finally, he starts to notice my hand clutching my chest.

"Calvin, are you alri-"

I feel my head go lighter as the last thing I see is his deteriorating blue eyes fill with alarm.

Everything around me sounds muddled. All I see is darkness, and then suddenly everything

turns white.



What's that sound? I feel like I'm drifting too much, almost as If I'm floating.


That's my name...

"Calvin." My eyes snap open as a instant wave of nausea hits me. All I see is blobs and white light, so I have to squeeze my eyes shut from the delirium.

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